Chapter 22: Painful memories

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Andys POV:

I woke up sprawled on the living area floor with Hailey laying across my bare chest in only a loose white belly shirt and black jean shorts. Ashley was upside down on the table wearing only pants, Jake was halfway off the couch with food and wrappers covering him like a blanket and Jinxx was curled up in a ball in the corner clutching a pillow. CC was nowhere to be seen. I groaned and rubbed my eyes as the light shined through the window. Jinxx uncurled himself and looked around through squinted eyes. I slowly sat up trying not to wake Hailey. Didn't work. She rolled over on her back, now on my waist, and groaned rubbing her head

Jinxx got up and ran to the bathroom. "CC get off the shower floor man."

CC stumbled out into the living area half naked, hair a mess and marker all over his face. Hailey giggled and slowly sat up holding her head

"CC man, you got shit all over your face." He shrugged and walked to the fridge grabbing bottles of water, a bottle of aspirin and washed his face. The others started waking up groaning and holding their heads. CC handed them a bottle of water and some pills. We all gladly took them

After getting rid of the horrid hangovers we all got up and started cleaning up the place a bit. What had all happened last night? I remember Ashley wanting to party, pulling out bottles of liquor and music. Loud music. The rest is kind of a blur. Oh well, by the looks of it we all had fun. Once the bus was cleaned up I went to take a shower. Man did it feel great.

Haileys POV:

I don't remember much of last nights activities but it looked like we partied hard. Andy went to take a shower and my phone went off. It was a text from an unknown number. What the..?

"Listen here slut, you're nothing in this world. You'll never amount to anything. I've seen you with your faggot boyfriend. You think he loves you? He only wants you for sex! You're a worthless piece of shit and need to die. No wonder your father left us, he couldn't stand to have a fuck up of a daughter." Tears streamed down my cheeks. I knew my mom hated me but she wants her own daughter dead?

But maybe she's right. Well, about a few things at least. All the painful memories came flooding back to me. The first time she hit me, the time she broke my wrist, when she shoved me down stairs, when she threatened to kill me with half a broken bottle, and then finally her selling me to the disgusting drugged up men

Andy walked in freshly showered. I screamed and curled up in the corner. My mind was a whirlwind still stuck on the memories. I thought he was one of the men. His expression of calm turned to worry. He ran over to me which only caused me to shield myself

"Hailey! What's wrong?" He gently grabbed my shoulders which made me scream again. I shoved him away and ran out of the room

"Get away from me!" I ran into the bathroom not checking to see if it was occupied and slammed the door shut. I slid down the door and put my head on my knees

"Erm... Hailey?" I looked up and saw CC soaking wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. Reality set back in. I blushed and looked away

"S-sorry CC..." He shook his head like a dog and drops of water sprayed me. He sat down next to me clutching the towel around his waist

"What's wrong sugar plum?" I smirked at the little nickname

"I got a text from my mom saying I'm a worthless piece of shit, I'll never amount to anything and that I should kill myself... Then I remembered all the shit she did to me and I thought Andy was one of the men and freaked out on him." CC put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him

"You are far from worthless Hailey. You are strong, beautiful, talented, funny, a dork and much more. Look where you are right now; you're a kick ass painter, I personally think your paintings should be in a museum or something, and you have an amazing voice. And don't you dare kill yourself. I would miss you like crazy. The guys and Andy would miss you like crazy. Hell even the BVB army would miss you! Don't listen to her Hail. She's in your past and can't do anything to you anymore. We won't let her, I promise. If you explain all this to Andy, he'll understand why you flipped out on him."

I found comfort in his words. I mean, who wouldn't? I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you CC." A tear ran down my cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb and gave me one of his dorky yet cute smiles

"Anytime doll. Can I get dressed in privacy now?." He smiled and I nodded getting up

"Sorry." I opened the door and Andy stumbled in. I caught him in my arms and noticed the rest of the guys leaning against the wall looking at us

Red tinted his cheeks. "Sorry, I just wanted to know what was up with you. So did they..." He motioned to the others behind him and I looked at Jake. He gave me a knowing look and understood. He always understood

I smiled at Andy and just shrugged. "Everything's fine now, don't worry. Just a little melt down I guess. Can we not talk about it?" I didn't want to talk about it anymore really

Andy gave me a concerned look but nodded a minute later. We walked out the bathroom giving CC his privacy and sat on the couch

Well today has been interesting and it's only 4pm.


Will be updating soon!! Thank you for reading :)

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