Chapter 78: Cheating?

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Okay so I have a few ideas for the next couple chapters but I'm loosing ideas. Anyone want to help me out? That would be great!

~1 week into tour~

Andys POV:

I sat in the living area and watched buildings pass by. We drove past a wedding ring shop. I watched the shop go by and slowly turned to Jake who was digging through the fridge

"Hey Jake?"

"Yeah man?"

"Can I ask you something? It's important.." He looked at me and slowly nodded sitting next to me

"What's up?" I ran a hand through my hair and looked him in the eyes

"Can I have your blessing to ask Hailey to marry me? I'd ask her dad but he's gone and you're the closest thing to a family she has." He looked shocked

"Andy... Of course! Are you sure about this though?" I thought for a moment and nodded

"Yeah.. I am. I love her man." He got up and bro hugged me. I smiled and we got to our destination. I pulled a hoodie on and ran to the nearest wedding ring shop. I got in and went straight to the engagement ring section. A woman walked up to me

"Can I help you find one you like?" I nodded and she pulled out a few rings. I didn't really like any of them. Then I found one and asked her to pull it out. I examined the shiny ring. It had a simple gold band with a medium sized diamond in the middle and two small diamonds on either side. It wasn't too expensive, nor cheap, either! I loved it and I hope Hailey does too. The clerk put it in a velvet box and handed it to me. I smiled a thanks and headed back to the bus. Jake, Jinxx and Ashley were in the living area. CC was taking a shower. Jake looked up at me

"Did you get it?" I nodded and pulled out the box opening it for them to see. "Andy... she'll love it." Jake patted me on the back. Ashley stared at the ring

"You're going to propose?" I nodded and he bro hugged me. Jinxx patted my shoulder and smiled at me

"Congrats man." I smiled to myself and sat in the living area. CC walked out half an hour later and saw me fiddling with the box and had a freak out session. I chuckled and we talked more. I knew exactly how I was going to ask her too. I just hope she says yes.

Haileys POV:

It was just Star and I at the complex and she was in the shower when some one knocked on the door. I got off the couch to answer it and opened the door to find a tall blonde girl. She was extremely skinny and wore skinnies with a tight low V-neck shirt. She looked at me

"Is Andy home?" I shook my head

"No sorry he's on tour." She gave me a disgusted look

"Who're you?" I furrowed my brow at her question

"His girlfriend. Who're you?" She sighed and messed with her hair

"So you're the one tearing us apart. Listen, Andy's cheating on you. You can ask him all you want but he'll deny it to save your feelings. Tell him to call his Koala Bear back, k? He'll know what it means." She walked away without another word and my heart dropped. I slowly closed the door as tears brimmed my eyes

He's cheating on me? All those times he said he loved me... were those lies? I can't believe it. Her words ran through my mind over and over again. I slid down the door until I was on the floor. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my face in them crying. Star came down minutes later and ran to me

"Hailey what's wrong? What happened and who was at the door?" I didn't look at her. I shook my head and cried harder

"He's cheating on me Star. A girl stopped by looking for Andy, told me he's cheating on me with her and that he'll deny it to save my feelings. He never loved me Star..." She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. I cried into her shoulder

"He's not cheating on you Hail. I see the way he looks at you. He loves you more than anything else in the world." My heart ached. We sat there in silence, besides my sobs, until the others came back. Sammi literally dropped her bags and knelt next to me

"What happened? Are you okay?" She made me look at her and wiped some of my tears. I shook my head

"Andys cheating on me..." I croaked before more sobs over took me. Sammi looked to Star who explained what happened to them. Sammi got pissed

"That little... Hailey I promise you he's not cheating. He loves you so much it's ridiculous. He would never hurt you like this." She gave me a quick hug before running upstairs. The others knelt next to me trying to cheer me up. It didn't work well.

Jinxxs' POV:

I laid in my bunk and was about to text Sammi when she called me. I smiled and answered it. "Yes my love?"

"Is Andy cheating on Hailey?!" She sounded pissed. I furrowed my brow

"Uh no. Why?"

"Some bitch came by and told Hailey Andy's cheating on her and that he'd deny it to save her feelings. Find out if it's true." I shook my head not that she could see

"He's not cheating babe. He..." I paused not knowing if I should tell her

"He what Jeremy?" She spoke. I ran a hand through my hair

"He got her an engagement ring today. He's going to propose when we get back..." She didn't speak for a few moments. "Please don't tell Hailey. I don't even think I was supposed to tell you." She sighed

"Alright... what do I tell her then? She's heart broken." I thought for a minute

"I don't know... Tell her something. You're better at lying then I am." She lightly giggled

"Alright... Bye babe. Love you."

"Love you too baby doll." We hung up and I went to the living area and found Andy by himself still looking out the window. "Are you cheating on Hailey?" I asked bluntly. He looked at me bewildered

"Of course not! Why?"

"I just got an interesting phone call from Sammi. A girl stopped by the complex today and convinced Hailey you're cheating. She's heartbroken." He pulled out his phone and dialed Haileys number. She must have not answered because he swore under his breath

"Hailey please answer my calls. I promise you I'm not cheating. I love you and only you okay? Please, please pick up the phone..." He whispered the last part. I sat next to him believing every word he said. Neither of us got much sleep that night.

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