Chapter 67: Coma

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Andys POV:

After a few hours at the hospital waiting to see the woman I came in with, I can't remember her name but I know we have some kind of connection, I got to go see her. Could she be my sister or cousin? I just... can't remember her. I walked into her room and she was pale, wrapped up in bandages and her leg was in a cast

I felt terrible causing this. I remember driving down the highway for some reason and the whole accident. I just don't remember the woman. I sat next to her bed and grabbed her hand. I cared for this woman, a lot. She meant something to me. The door opened and 4 guys walked in dressed in all black and leather

"Andy, what happened? Are you okay?" One of them asked. He wore a shiny silver star around his neck. I looked at them all

"I'm uh... good. What are your names again? I know we're in a band together. Doctor says I have memory loss" The one wearing a star looked at the others then back at me

"I'm Ashley Purdy, we started the band together. That's Jake Pitts, Jeremy Furgeson a.k.a Jinxx and Christian Coma a.k.a CC." I nodded slowly remembering them

"How's Hailey?" Jake asked rather worried. I gave him a questioning look and he sighed. "Hailey's your girlfriend. The one on the bed right now." My eyes widened and I looked at her

That's how I know her! I loved her! She was my world. We did everything together and we had great times. And bad ones.. I squeezed her hand and looked back at Jake

"She's in a coma. I don't know when she'll wake up.." Jake sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. Ashley patted my shoulder

She'll wake up soon man. I know she will."

Haileys POV:

I 'woke up' in a white room with nothing in it except me. I looked around and slowly sat up. Last I remembered, I was rolling down a hill with Andy in the car. Where am I now?

I feel perfectly fine though. I got up and walked through a doorway which led to a slightly less bright hallway. as I walked down this 'hallway' I noticed the walls getting slightly darker. Then I heard a voice. A voice I new so well and loved. It was Andy

"Hailey? Hailey where are you?" I looked around frantically

"Andy?! Andy stay where you are I'm coming!" I ran down the hallway. He sounded worried and scared

"Hailey!!" I heard him behind me. I looked over my shoulder but there was nothing. Then I heard him in front of me. What's going on? I kept running for which felt like forever and turned down hallways every time I heard him yelling

Soon the walls weren't white anymore and I couldn't see a thing. Everything was black and there was no light anywhere. I stopped where I was and looked for a lighter place. Nothing

Something, or someone was suddenly right next to my ear and yelled

"HAILEY!!" I jolted and opened my eyes to bright light again only this time, there were people I knew

Black Veil Brides.

I'd Die For You (Andy Biersack love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora