Chapter 77: Laser tag

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Haileys POV:

Andy was on the phone with someone and didn't sound too excited. I was downstairs making us a lunch and he was in our room. I placed our sandwiches on the table and he came down. He messed with his hair and I grabbed his hands

"What was that all about babe?" He sighed

"We're touring Europe and the UK in a week..They said you couldn't come." My heart dropped and I looked him in the eyes

"How long will you be gone..?" He pulled me into him

"A month. I'll be back before Christmas..." I sighed and hugged him tightly. I don't want him gone while I'm like this. He kissed the top of my head. "I want you to stay at the complex with the girls okay? I won't worry so much then." I nodded and we held each other for awhile

"Come on, let's just enjoy the time we have together till tour." He nodded and we ate lunch in silence. We sat on the couch and he pulled me into his lap rubbing his thumb over my little baby bump.

~~Tour Day~~

I drove us to the airport and we walked hand in hand to the gate. We went through security and I sat next to Andy. The others joined us minutes later and we all talked and I held back tears. They called Andys flight and they got up to board their plane. Andy engulfed me in a hug. I let the tears stream down my cheeks

"I'm going to miss you Andy..." He pulled away from the hug and pressed his lips to mine passionately. He pulled away a minute later

"I'm going to miss you too Hailey. I love you so much. I'll be back soon and I'll call you every chance I get okay?"

"You better.." I pouted. He knelt down and kissed my stomach

"I love you too angel." He stood back up and they called his flight again. He wiped my tears and gave me another kiss before walking to his flight. Star came over and hugged me as they all followed Andy

"Don't worry Hail, times going to fly by." I laid my head on her shoulder

"I hope so.." We watched their plane take off and headed back to the cars. I followed them back to the complex and they helped carry my things in. We all sat on the couch

"So what do you girls want to do now?" I rubbed my tiny baby bump and they all shrugged

"We could go clubbing?" Ella spoke up

"Can't drink." I raised my hand

"We could have a party?" Sammi suggested

"Still can't drink." I raised my hand again. They all thought for a minute

"We could... go play laser tag?" Star asked with a slight smile. The girls all looked at each other shrugging

"Sure! I haven't gone in ages." Lauren piped up smiling

"It's settled, laser tag it is!" Star announced and we got up grabbing our purses. We piled into Sammis car and drove to the Fun Zone. It had a mini golf course, arcade, batting range, bowling and of course, a laser tag area. We paid for laser tag and went in. Time for some fun I suppose

We ran around 'shooting' each other and giggling. Someone kept complaining about the fog and darkness making us giggle more. I ended up winning and we went to go bowling. We all put in silly names. Mine was Darkwing Duck (old tv show)

Sammi ended up getting the best score and we ordered a pizza. We played another round and Star won this time. After another hour of messing around the building we decided to leave

I hopped in the shower immediately and stared at the wall. I missed Andy already... I got out probably an hour later and crawled in bed after putting on one of Andys baggy shirts and checked my phone

'Goodnight my love. Sweet dreams<3' I smiled and replied to his text with a goodnight. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

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