They Finally Meet!

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Hello people of this earth, I'm so sorry for not updating. I was busy. I had exams and I'm moving again so I've been going threw all my stuff. I threw out half my cupboard yesterday! Anyway, you don't want to hear about that.

Mockingjay part two! I'm going this weekend. I swear I'm going to walk into that cinema and burst into tears. *Spoiler Alert* Finnick! Prim! Why did you die? *wails* okay, spoiler over.

This chapter isn't very good but yeah, they finally meet. My excuse for the terribleness of this chapter is that I'm not very good at writing Piper.

Wow, that was a long AN. Read and review please.

Piper POV

I stare out the window as we drive. There are people in rags sleeping in door ways or just standing on the side of the road. I'm not Annabeth, I'm better than them and I know it. I've got money and in this world that's what counts.

"Piper, we're almost there." My mother says and I take a deep breath, I don't know why but I feel like something important is going to happen tonight.

We pull up in front of the Chase household and the driver opens my door. He helps me out and I walk up the drive, as we walk my mother puts her arm around my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yes, I don't see why I wouldn't be." I tell her, feeling a bit confused.

"Mm," is all she says.

After all the formal greetings I go up see Annabeth in her room.

"Piper!" she cries as I enter the room and she flings her arms around me.

"Hey." I laugh, staggering slightly from the force with which she threw herself at me.

She pulls away from me blushing slightly, "Sorry, it's just I haven't seen anyone other than my parents for two weeks."

"It's okay, Annie we all have our moments." I pat her arm jokingly.

"Hey, you would to if your parents kept you locked up in the house all the time. I swear they lock my room at night!" she exclaims.

"Okay, okay." I laugh, going over to sit on her bed. We sit and talk for awhile before there's a knock on the door and Calypso walks in leaving Will standing by the door looking awkward.

"Hey guys." she smiles slightly.

"Can you please come out here?" Will begs, "My legs are tired and anyway it's awkward to talk to you through to door."

Annabeth laughs and gets up. We all follow her to a little sitting room off the main passage. Grover arrives shortly after with Frank.

"I have an idea." Annabeth says.

"Well, let's hear it then." I say, grinning.

"It's obvious we're not invited to the diner, so I was thinking why don't we go out? Be adventurers and roam the streets away from our parents ever watchful gazzes." she suggests.

"That's an awesome idea." Will exclaims but then he frowns, "We're not really dressed for that though."

"Don't worry, I have clothes you can borrow." Annabeth grins.

After we're all kitted out in jeans and jackets we go through the kitchen and out onto the street. Well, it's more of an alley than a street. There's over following bins and rubbish all over the alley.

We take of walking with no puticular destination in mind. We amble along the streets making more noise than is probably advisable. Oh who cares? We're better than them, we have the right to make as much noise as we want. It's them that has to be quiet not the other way around.

"It's so beautiful." Grover says breaking the silence that had settled over us a few minutes ago. He's staring at the sky. "But you can hardly see the stars from all the pollution."

I roll my eyes at him, biggest nature nerd you will ever meet. That's what Grover is. "Come on, Grover, enjoy being free from our jailers otherwise known as parents." I say, throwing my arms back emphasize my point.

"Oh yeah," the voice comes from an alley to our right. The person steps into the light, "Well, at least you have then ungrateful brats. You're all over there complaining about not having the right meals, about how your maids aren't fast enough and how your parents are overprotective, meanwhile here we are, starving to death out in the cold. Learning to survive and take care of each other because there's no one else to do it. You all think you're better than us." the boy laughs bitterly.

"Well, we are." I say with a laugh. What is he talking about? Of course we're better than them.

"Look rich girl, if you think that then you're either brainwashed or really stupid or, maybe, both." he takes something out of his pocket and starts playing with it, "Let me tell you a story, when I was twelve my mother tried to kill me, she took my eye put with a knife. I didn't have anywhere to go so I ended up on the street. I almost died from hunger, dehydration, cold and infection then a group took me in. They saved my life. Tell me ungrateful brats, how many lives have you saved? How many times have you almost died? How many times have you had to survive without mummy and daddy?" his voice is mocking, "Never, that's when."

Other people come out of the shadows, all carrying weapons of some sort. They surround us, pressing us up against the wall. Their eyes are full of hate and somehow they all look broken.

I close my eyes as they advance and press my self against the wall and curse these stupid rays who think they're better than us.

Our Savior comes from an unexpected place, "Ethan, leave them alone." a voice calls.

The boy, Ethan, turns to face the intruder, "Why, Jackson? I'm in desperate need of knew jeans."

"She's Graces." he points to Annabeth, "And anyway I hear that one," he points at me, "has a father in a high up place."

Ethan looks surprised, "Thalia knows her?"

"Yeah, from before. They were friends, I don't think she'd be too happy about you stealing her and her friends clothes then leaving them here to starve to death, do you?" the boy asks.

"No, I don't suppose she would." he says dejected, "Well, there goes my jeans, I swear these are going to fall apart any day now." he fingers his jeans with a sigh, I can't help but agree with him, his jeans are full of rips and look so old they could spontaneously combust.

"I'm sure you can find some somewhere." the boy rolls his eyes, then turns to us, "Well, come on. We don't have all night."

We don't need to be told twice, we run after him as fast as we can, still stunned by the sudden rescue and scared that they'll attack us again.


Q: What's your favourite band/song/artist?

My A: Either Ed Sheeran or Fall Out Boy. I really like the song Hold Each other by A Great Big World. I could go on forever.

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