Luke Castellean

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Again this is very short though not as short as the last one. It's not my best writing and it doesn't really accomplish much but I'm updating which is and achievement.

Thalia POV

I jump up and run to the door, Percy is sprinting towards the store room and I follow him, Annabeth is right behind me.

"Hazel, Hazel can you hear me?" Percy asked kneeling next to the small girl.

She nods but is then overcome with a huge fit of coughing. She is indeed coughing up pink stuff and gasping for breathe.

"Luke," Percy says, "We have to take her to Luke and Reyna. They have a hospital, maybe they can help. Maybe they know what this is, otherwise we have to-" he breaks off but I know what he means. The unspoken word between us.

"What's going on?" Nico asks sleepily, "Why is everyone on here?"

"Nico," I say gently, "Hazel's sick and we have to take her to Luke. We'll be back soon, I promise. Why don't you go back to bed?"

Nico shook his head, "No, I'm coming with you. She's my sister."

"Why aren't you taking her to the hospital?" Annabeth asks, "She obviously needs doctors not teenagers."

"We can't." I say, "God don't you think I want to? I want to take her to a hospital and I want her to have the best treatment possible bit what do you think they'll do? They'll put her in the foster system and the rest of us too. I can't do that to them, I can't. The hospital is last resort, it's always last resort."

"Isn't here life worth more than your pride, Thalia Grace? Isn't what she needs more important than what you want?" Annabeth demands.

I round on her, "Do you know what's it's like in foster care, Annabeth Chase? Do you know haw much they despise most of us? How many of them don't care about anything more than looking good. We're like dolls to them, we aren't worth anything to them. Sure, they are the good ones who actually want to help you but that never lasts long. The social workers are moving you around again or your nightmares and your attitude get to much for them and they snap. You have no idea what you're talking about, thus has nothing to do with my pride or independence. This is about them, all of them."

Percy scoops Hazel up into his arms, whispering quietly to her. She treads her arms around his neck and he starts towards the door. He brushes past Annabeth roughly and without so much as a goodbye. I know he's had a few of his own experiences with social services.

"Don't talk about things you don't understand, Annabeth." Leo whispers, not looking at her. "It'll get you into trouble and that's not worth it. You'll make many enemies that way."

"Jason you're in charge. Come on Nico, let's go." I shove past her and take Nico's hand. We catch up with Percy on the street. He's frowning and looking down at Hazel with a worried expression, "I don't understand what's wrong with her, she's usually fine. Hardly ever gets sick, what if it's really bad?"

Annabeth POV

I don't understand why they can't just take her to the hospital. Yes, social services would intervene but surely that's a small price to pay for her life?

Thalia brushes roughly past me, following Percy. She's right, I don't know anything about the foster system and what it's like but it can't be that bad. Why would they let children live like that?

"Come on guys," Jason says, "let's get back to bed. Hazel won't get better simply because we wish for it and worrying about her won't help either."

"Jason," Leo mutters, "You suck at pep talks."

"Whatever. Bed, now." Jason pushes Leo out the room and the rest of us follow.

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