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-Charlie's POV-
"You're never going to get adopted! You're just a freak show. Thats all you'll ever be." Ruby spat at me as I drew in my sketchbook. I sat on my bed with my back against the wall, looking down at my drawing I was doing of a girl drowning.

"Shut up Ruby. I'm not a freak." I mummbled under my breath as she continued to taunt me. I knew she was right though. I was a freak, and I knew I would never get adopted.

Any one who ever agreed to adopt me brought me back 2 weeks later. I was just a dump and run, each and every time.

"You're ugly. Did you know that? You're also fat. You should probably lose weight." She continued with a smirk tugging at one corner of her mouth. Her golden blonde hair drooped over her shoulder and stopped just above her waist.

"I hate you." She whispered in a blunt tone. I stopped drawing and looked up at her. Her smirk got wider and her eyes lit up. She knew she'd gotten my attention now. A tear began to form in the corner of my eye and as I blinked it rolled down my cheek.

Ruby began to laugh histerically as she got up and left my room. As soon as she left I set my drawing aside and pulled my knees to my chest. I rested my chin ontop of them.

Ruby knew I disliked being told I am hated, and that is the one thing that jabs a knife right into my heart. It's the one thing my mother said to me before she left after dumping me into this adoption home.

The more I thought about it, the more the tears kept flowing down my face until their was a knock on my door. Mrs. Jordan walked in and snapped gum between her teeth.

"You have two visitors that would like to talk about adoption." She said emotionlessly. I wasn't excited, or even surprised. I already knew what would happen. They say they want to adopt. They adopt. And 2 weeks later I'll end up right back here.

I sighed and grabbed my sketchbook and pencil hugging it tightly to my chest. I walked down the stairs and into the meeting room where two people were sitting on the couch. I kept my eyes down low, staring at only the floor. I sat on the couch across from them avoiding eye contact.

"Guys this is Chareolette. Chareolette, these are the two people who want to meet you. Can you say hi?" Mrs. Jordan asks. I keep my hair dangling infront of my face but keep my mouth closed.

"She's not much of a talker, take all the time you need, I'll be out at the front desk if you need me." I could practically hear the grin on her face as she left and shut the door behind her.

"So, Chareolette, how old are you?" A young womans voice spoke cheerfully.

"15" I whispered quietly raising my head a little bit and lifting my knees to my chest and hugging my scetchbook tighter.

"You don't have to be shy sweetie, we don't bite." The woman says kindly. I nodded and lifted my head to look at the couple. As soon as I swiped the hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear, my stomach dropped. I stared at them blankly.

"Y-you- you're. Oh my god." I said quietly staring at my two idols. Andy Biersack and Juliet Simms. They were holding hands, and two huge smiles were placed upon their face.

"Andy, and Juliet. That would be us." Andy said in his deep, handsome voice. I smiled and looked down into my lap, blushing. Tears began to fall from my eyes, but this time I wasn't sad.

"Oh sweetie don't cry, it's okay!" Juliet said releasing Andy's hand and standing up, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I cried into her shoulder and she rubbed my back.

"Please get me out of here." I whispered through happy tears.

I looked up at her and she nodded at Andy.

"Of course. That's why we came here, to adopt you." Juliet smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you." I whispered with a smile and Andy sat and watched, also smiling.

"Mrs. Jordan!?" Andy called. "We've made our decision."

She walked into the room with her hands on her hips.

"We'd like to adopt Chareolette." Juliet said with a smile and kept her arm around my shoulders. Mrs Jordan smiled and said 'follow me.' Andy and Juleit left and I went upstairs to pack my things.

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