Chapter 3 The secret has been revealed!

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((Sorry guys if my story is boring im trying my best so dont judge or anything))

The priest went inside the palace it was like a dream come true. he never seen such an amazing place in his life.

"Wow what an outstanding view" he smacked his face twice to see if hes still asleep but obviously he wasnt.

"What brings you here" asked King Kalbert whilst wiping his face with a towel.

"Oh...erm..well" the priest was thinking if he should spread the secret or not.

"Well i dont have all day so can you please be quick, i need to call the doctors my beloved wife is ill". exclaimed the king. he stood their for a minute glaring at the priest until the priest has spoken.

"Basically i know you wont belive what im going to say your highness but i will surely bring evidence to support my point so you are excused your wife is ill and she needs you i will be back tommorrow at 11am sharp to tell you some shocking news".

"Thank you very much, now if youll excuse me i need my phone which is right behind you so..." kalbert was waiting for the priest to pass his phone.

"Oh right sorry about that, here you go". the priest gave the king the phone and went off.

Soon as the priest close the palace door everyone were waiting to see if i have spreaded the secret to King Kalbert.

"No i have not said the secret so if youll excuse me, ill be taking a good care of prince Pawter whilst i bring evidence to proof that hes the prince."

"Everyone went home and thankfull Prince pawker found a home as well".

The priest was hunting for the evil witch an he took some villagers with him that had muscles that were extremely bulky and a body that had nice, sexy abs.

"Well well well what do we have here". pellowed the witch out of the blue.

The priest did not know where to look or what to say because the witch was no where to be seen.

"Show your face you evil, monstrous beast". shouted the priest

"Boo!" laughed the witch as the priest reaction entertained her.

"You are doomed i am going to break that spell from the royal family, how could you be so evil you hideous beast!" yelled the priest.

"Hahaha you can not do anything you petite, weakling." laughed the witch.

The priest poured a clossal bucket full of steaming water on the witch, she melted away an was never seen or been heard again.

"Yesss shes gone." the mens were cheering for the priest and started to head home.

"Theres seven more hours left how do i break this spell" questioned the priest.

Prince pawker walked into the room.
"Maybe i could help" said the prince.

The priest told pawker to sit next to the fire and warm himself up. Then suddently the priest gazed at the necklace prince pawker was wearing.

"May i ask you something yout highness" questioned the priest

"Why are you calling me like am the king or queen" asked prince pawker.

They both questioned each other.

"Well, everyones says that they necklace am wearing is a present from a witch, i thought it was a beutiful necklace but then i opened the locket and it said some jibberish language i couldnt understand"

"Look" as Prince pawker showed the writing on the locket the priest had a slight idea on how to break the spell but he wasnt hundred percent sure if it will work.

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