Chapter 4 The spell has broken

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"Spinta bula bula spinta afreh, what does that mean?" the priest has questioned the prince.

"Well i have been waiting since childhood to find out what that says" replied prince Pawter.

They both stood up. and contempilated at each other for a minute. they both were thinking the same thing.

"Maybe this is the spell the evil witch has cast on you!" yelled the priest in excitement. he was exstatic.

He took the spell out from the locket and started to read some prayers. the priest mind was making him come up with a solution.

"Thats it all i need to do us remove the apell and put a picture of the kind and queen in your locket and read a prayer" said the priest

"Why should you put a picture on my locket of the king and queen...whats going on?" prince pawker had so much questions to himself but the priest had no time to answer his questions.

It was 7am in the morning. no one was awake it was just prince and the priest outside of the palace. they were trying their best to find a way to go inside the palace and get a picture of the king and queen.

"Oh priest, ive got an idea, climb up that wall next to the dome shaped roof. there is a tiny hole in the middle of the dome and you will perfectly fit inside" said Prince pawter.

The priest has listened to the instruction and went inside the whole and he dropped into the kings and queens bedroom they were making out. (lets not go into detail). but they didnt realise the priest was their so the priest grabbed a picture of the king and queen and rushed back outside.

"There you go, now get your locker and put this picture inside" said the priest.

The priest read a prayer out to break the spell.

"Abilah sitrua andros of Prince pawter aur his famaliam King Kalbert aur Queen asleen".

The necklace broke into pieces and fell on the floor.

The queen ran out.

"Have you seen my son?... where is he...i miss him...i need someone help me find him." the Queen Asleen was sobbing as tears were dropping several times on the floor.

Queen Asleen had no clue his handsome son was standing right infront of him.

"Your highness, i have found your son, he has been homeless for the past 9 years, i am devastated to hear this but its true." the priest was talking to her in disapointment.

"Oh thank god, thank you so much i cant belive it, thank you, i will reward you for this" demanded Queen Asleen whilst wiping the tears of her face.

"Mom! i cant belive its you!" shouted Prince pawker and was sooo happy to see his mother for the first time.

"Oh baby i cant belive its you, im so sorry im such a awful mum i could not unfortunately break the spell the nasty witch has cast on you but thankfully the priest has." exclaimed the Queen in shame.

Prince Pawter took the priest to the castle with him and gave him a room to stay in for 3 months and the most scrumptious food that was ever made.

"Oh how delightful of you" said the priest.

The queen suddently vomited on the table and the king and priest knew why.
The king called the nurse and the nurse said shes pregnant and its a princess this time.

Everyone was so happy and was waiting for tommorrow to come to reveal to the villagers this amazing and joyful news.

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