Chapter 3: Alone

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Kelly's pov:

I don't think. I just run. I ran out of my house, leaving Braden behind. I feel bad about that, I do, but I just had to get away. My brother's absence like this was just too much for me right now.

Where was he?
Was he ok?
Was he dea-
I can't even say it. It's too horrible.

I finally stop running when I reach the town park. I sit on a swing and start sobbing. I really wish Braden were here right now, I need a shoulder to cry on.

It's around 10 o'clock now and it's too dark outside for me to really see anything besides what's 2 feet in front of me.

Suddenly, a wave of fear washes over me and I wish I was back home. With Braden.

Why did I run away again? Oh yeah, because I needed to get away and think. What am I an idiot? I could've thought at my house. Ugh. I wanna go home.

I cry again. I can't stop.

Just when I'm about to go under and maybe even drown in my own tears, a voice calls out to me.

"Kel-Bel, is that you?"

Kel-Bel. Braden.

I lift my head up from my hands and see Braden walking in my direction. I run towards him and hug him so tight that I think he almost suffocates.

"Why did you run out like that?" He asks, obviously out of breath from running so fast.

"I'm sorry" I say, tearfully. "I just couldn't stand being there without him.. and Braden?" I look up and stare into his big brown eyes, "I'm scared. Really scared." I let out a little sob.

He pulls me in close and plays with my hair. He calms me down me and keeps repeating softly in my ear, "It'll all be alright."

We stay like that for another 5 mins or so, then he takes me home.

The police arrive 5 mins after we get back to my house and I give them a description of my brother, while trying not to cry. Braden is holding my hand and standing beside me through it all.

The police leave and say that they'll do everything that they can to locate my brother and bring him back home, safely. Braden and I sit in silence for about 5 mins. He finally speaks up.

"You know he's alive, right?" He says, not fully believing it himself.

"He has to be." I say sternly, as if believing in it strongly enough would bring him back home.

We go up to my room and lie on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

I lean over on Braden's chest and fall asleep in his arms.

Little did I know what was coming.

#4 stole my heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang