Love At First Sight(Part 1)

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Eren's Pov

I was leaving school and headed over to my favorite café, Wings Of Freedom. The café was small, but always packed with people. I headed over to the line and ordered my favorite hamburger steak. I saw Hanji the boss talking to Erwin by the back of the café. Hanji is the boss of the café so I see her every time doing something different. I went to the tables by the window and find someone sitting in my usual table. The man had short black hair and a broad upper body. I stared to stare at his white skin and didn't even realize that he was looking at me."Hey brat do you mind I'm trying to read here with a really cold voice." While he was talking to me I felt my cheeks start to heat up a little."Gomen nasai!" I said while blushing. "My name is Eren nice to meet you.""Hi Eren, my name is Levi."

Levi's Pov

I'm drinking my coffee and I feel someone is watching me. I turn around and see a boy about a few inches taller than me with brown hair. His eyes are green like the sea and he seems lost in his own world. " Hey brat would you quit straing at me like that and I'm trying to read here." The boy who was staring at me blushed and said "gomen nasai " to me. I found out later that his name was Eren." Eren my name is Levi."I said while blushing. "Eren you can sit here if you want, but do not bother me or stare at me while I'm reading. " Eren blushed a deep shade of red and sat down across from me."Eren I see that you like hamburger steak. " "Yeah when I was little my mother use to make this for me everyday when I came home from school, but she died from a heart attack, so now I come to this café everyday so buy a hamburger steak."

(Part 2 coming soon.)

Also Special thanks to all those Eren and Levi book writers for inspiring me to write this book.Arigatou Gozaimasu!  

Arigatou Gozaimasu -Thank You

Gomen nasai  - I'm sorry

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