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*Ten Months Later*

I sigh as I sign yet another document that will allow me to expand my company. I started this company after I finished my business degree. It was a rough for the first couple of years because I refused to take money from my parents. But eventually, I got a contract and my company sky-rocketed toward success. I became a billionaire two years afterward that major deal. And because of that and the fact that my father is a politician, I get a lot of attention. Specifically of the female variety, though I have come out to the public, it doesn't stop females from trying to claim their child was mine. It's happened before. In the past five months, I had plenty of calls from someone claiming to pregnant with my child. I only know because of my personal assistant complaining about it. Some women will do anything for money. I sighed as I looked down at my paperwork. I was signing a contract with Sterling Inc., a major business corporation like mine, that would allow my company to sell our products at some of their hotels and they could sell theirs at mine. I was on my last signature when my PA Roxie came in.


"What is it Rox?"

"Maria called and said that you have to come home now!"

"Did she say why?"

She shook her head. I frown because Maria always leaves a reason and she always had everything under control. She's almost like a second mother to me that woman. I'm a bit worried, but she'd come here if it was extremely important.

"Alright then. Push my meeting to the next available spot and take a message for anyone that calls for me."

"Already done, Zay. Just go! It sounded like she was about to freak."

I give her a thankful smile, but I frowned at the last part. Maria usually has a calm presence and if she's freaking out then it has to be bad. With that thought, I rush out the door with just my jacket since it's still early February. Plus, this is New York. I sigh as I reach the elevator that will take me down from the twentieth floor to the lobby. Once out of the elevator, I realized that I forgot to call William, my driver, to ready the car. I sigh and take out my phone, only to stop because Will is at the door waiting.

"Hello, Mr.Frost. Roxie called and told me that you needed to get home because mom called."

I nod as he leads us outside in the blistering cold. Once inside the car, I call Marie. She answers on the first ring.

"Mr.Frost, oh god, are you on your way home right now?"

"Yes,I am. What's wrong Maria?"

"You...well, you need to see this in person. Just get here, sir."

"Alright, we'll be there soon."

She gives a quick reply and just as she was about to hang up I hear what sounds like a gurgled whimper. What was that? I tell William to hurry because my curiosity has been peaked.

Once pulling up to my security gates, I quickly punch in the code and William drives in after the gate opens up. Once, William pulls into the driveway, I open my door and rush toward the entrance to my home. William catches up with me and I ask him if he knows anything. He shakes his head which causes me to sigh in annoyance. I really hate not knowing what's going on especially when it involves me. Plus, the fact that Maria sounded nervous and what not made me even more anxious to just get inside already to see what the problem was. Finally, I get to the living room toward where I know Maria will be. I find her sitting on the couch. She seemed to be out of it because she didn't even notice me or her son standing there till I called out her name. She quickly stood up and held her hand out for me. She held what look to be a piece of paper in her hand. She hands it over before she ushers William and herself out before I could ask what it was. I yell out a loud,

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