chapter 3

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I saw it in her eyes, burning like a fire. We were hypnotised, so much more then desire.

Jungkook was sitting at his desk, the LED clock to his right reading 2:47 am. He had his earbuds in, listening to his favorite song.

Her touch was soft and pure, her lips held all the answers. And for a moment I felt cured, our awkward souls turned dancers.

And this time, his mind was overcome with the thought of only one person.


Earlier that day, Jungkook had caught himself staring at Taehyung a little longer then usual.

The concept itself wasn't scary, or unknown to Jungkook. He had known for a while that he was gay, so this sudden attraction to Taehyung wasn't surprising.

Naked under the sun, no wish stayed uncovered. Two beings becoming one, we were meant for each other.

Jungkook suddenly found himself missing Taehyung's presence terribly. He would text him, but Taehyung was asleep.

Unlike Jungkook.

Jungkook groaned, trying to place his thoughts together. Why was he all of a sudden having a raging crush on Taehyung, out of all people?

Was it his adorable box smile? Was it the fact that he showed Jungkook empathy and kindness? Was it because of his happy personality?

It was probably because Jungkook thought he was a hot piece of shit.

But isn't that how all relationships start out?

Person 1 sees Person 2, and thinks "Oh wow, they are really hot." And then hopefully, Person 2 thinks the same of Person 1, and feelings start to develop.

But in this case, Jungkook was almost certain that Taehyung was either straight, or not even thinking about Jungkook in the slightest.

Well, he was asleep.

Jungkook pulled out his phone, praying that at least one other person was awake.

jungcocky: hey

jungcocky: hey jimin

jungcocky: u awake

jungcocky: i'm having a dilemma

absectular: yeah yeah i'm here

absectular: wat is it

jungcocky: i think i may have a crush on taehyung

absectular: oooohhh

absectular: what kind of crush

jungcocky: ???

absectular: well, do you want to suck his dick or grow old with him

jungcocky: u can grow old with the person and suck their dick at the same time btw

absectular: well which one is it?

jungcocky: both

jungcocky: that's my dilemma

absectular: ah of course

absectular: this is amazing

absectular: baby kookie wants to suck taehyung's dick

jungcocky: ew c'mon don't be like that

jungcocky: i also want to kiss him and do romantic stuff

absectular: um nasty af

jungcocky: what?

absectular: ur gonna suck his dick and then kiss him? pretty sure he doesn't want to kiss you immediately after you had his dick in your mouth yuck

jungcocky: stfu

absectular: i'm just teasing bitch

jungcocky: then stop jfc

absectular: srsly tho, do you genuinely like him

jungcocky: yep pretty sure

absectular: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

jungcocky: idek what i told u

jungcocky: pretty sure it was a mistake

absectular: shush don't worry jimnny will take care of everything

jungcocky: why are u talking in 3rd person

absectular: sHUSH


(Song - Lovers On The Run by NIHLS)

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