day 2

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countdown: 11 days until Christmas

"It's 2PM on day 2, how are you feeling Ms. Carter?" Calum asks, pretending to hold a mic up to me as I'm fixing my bag

"Terrified and excited, Mr. Hood. How are you feeling on this fine day?" I ask

"You need to hold up a mic."

"Alright." I pretend to hold up a mic "Tell us how you're feeling, Mr. Hood."

"I think I'm gonna pee in the middle of it but I am ready." He smiles "Alright, have we got everything?"

"My fear, nerves, and uncanny willingness to jump out of a plane are all set."

"Let's move!"


"You really asked for white jumpsuits?" I ask "I look gross in white."

"No you don't. And doves are white, Carter. We're gonna be the two turtledoves."

"Alright, alright. I'm pretty sure we're both scared as hell so let's get this over with before one of us chickens out."

Calum parks the car outside the skydiving ranch and we head in. We register and get moved into a room for orientation before getting suited up.

"The two of you are such a cute couple!" The girl helping us suit up says

"We're not a couple." Calum and I chorus

"Alright, sure. Trying to keep it from the public's eye, I get that. I won't tell anyone." She winks

"We really aren't..." I say

"Alright, whatever you say. Anyway, just move over to that room and we'll get you on a plane in no time."

We thank her and head to the room and get ready to board. While waiting, I feel Calum take my hand.

"I am terrified." He says, staring straight ahead "Incredibly terrified."

"Me too. But you know what? It's going to be so friggin breathtaking. We got this." I say, giving his hand a light squeeze

Soon enough we board the plane and head up.

Everything's a blur and all I hear is my pounding heartbeat, until I hear someone counting.

"3, 2, 1!"

And we're off the plane, and it feels like yesterday. But different. The adrenaline courses through me as I look at how small everything is up here, and how small I am compared to everything else. And how everything on the ground comes together to form some mosaic I know I won't be able to recreate. I look up and see Calum laughing and screaming and struggling to take it all in, just like I am.

12 days of christmas // c.h [completed]Where stories live. Discover now