day 11

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countdown: 2 days until Christmas

"GOOD MORNING HOOD!" I say, pulling the curtains to our hotel room open "IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!"

"Why are you so... bubbly?" He asks, rubbing his eyes as he sits up

"It's almost Christmas!"

"You only realized that now?"

"Yeah, I'm late, I know. Anyway- what are we doing today?" I ask, sitting down across him on my bed

"Eleven pipers piping."

"I know."

He chuckles "We may have to do some shopping first."


"Swimsui- OH." I say "I get where we might be going but I don't see the connection."

"You will eventually. Anyway, we gotta be out of here in 15 minutes."



"Hood, that is not enough-"


"I swear-"


"Oh, screw it."

We rush into the store and I look for a swimsuit and board shorts in my size. In about 10 minutes, we meet at the counter and pay for a stuff.


"I think I get it." I tell him 


"They look like pipes. Eleven pipers piping."


"I think the song meant a different pipe but okay. Which on first?"

"The tallest."

We make our way through the indoor water park and navigate through the maze of pipe-tube-looking slides to get to the elevator which brings us up to the tallest one. The tallest slide has two different tubes, so we each take one. We both lie down and the employees count before we're pushed through. I laugh and scream and every now and then I could see Calum in the other tube. We both eventually reach the bottom, out of breath with smiles on our faces.

"You know, there are ten other slides." He tells me

"Only makes sense." I say "I'm still high on adrenaline, let's do this."


We're back in the car with Calum driving us back to the hotel.

"Can't believe that tomorrow's the last day of this." He says out of nowhere

I sigh "Me neither. But hey- we have a whole new adventure to look forward to."

"What's that?"

"Tomorrow. And the day after, and the day after, and so on."

12 days of christmas // c.h [completed]Where stories live. Discover now