day 9

46 3 0

countdown: 4 days until Christmas

"How do you still have ice cream left?" I ask him "I finished all of mine in less than an hour."

"You have to savor it, Carter." He grins "And besides, I could use the carbs today."

"Why? Nine ladies dancing?"

He nods

"What are we doing?"

"It's literally in the lyric."

My eyes widen and I grin widely "No way. The Calum Hood is going to dance?"

"Shut up."

"But your name and "dance" have never been in the same sentence!"

"We leave after lunch." He says, ignoring all of my teasing


"Hood, you never said anything about this kind of dancing."

"I knew it'd be one you haven't done yet. And it's Christmas! It's appropriate."

"Hood, neither of our hometowns have winter. It's not appropriate for our Christmas."

"Just have fun with it, Carter! And I haven't done this either so it should be fun."

"Alright, let's do this." I say, and we enter the building and walk up to the counter and ask for 2 pairs of ice skates in our size.

"I'm gonna assume this place is empty because of you?" I ask as we sit down on the benches and remove our shoes

"Obviously. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want a bunch of people watch us fail at this."

"You are correct."

We finish putting on our skates and make our way to the rink. We skate on, holding tightly onto each other and the sides of the rink. After a while (and both of us saying "Let go of me or we're both going to fall." and "OHMYGOD DID YOU JUST FALL HAHA"), we slowly start to get used to it. Calum has one of the employees play some music as we attempt to dance across the ice. We laugh and we fall and we get back up again and we repeat this cycle as it echoes throughout the empty rink.

12 days of christmas // c.h [completed]Where stories live. Discover now