day 4

52 3 0

countdown: 9 days until Christmas

"Are we gonna do something death defying again?" I ask Calum, waking him up

"Huh?" He says, still half asleep

"I mean, it's supposed to be related to four calling birds, right? And so far, the other two bird-related days have had some sort of flying or falling, rather, so I assumed that-"



"What time is it?"

"Half past 8. Why?"

"Go back to sleep." He groans, pulling the covers over his head

"No, wake up!" I say, throwing my pillow across the room at him

He just pulls it under the covers with him.

"We're leaving at 1. Chill." He says


"Make the next turn." He says from the passenger side

I nod "So where are we going?"

"You know, I assumed that- by now- you'd get that I'm never gonna tell you unless it takes some planning help."

"Like the skydiving?"


"Okay, fine."

"Second left."

I turn onto the next road and I see it.

"No way." I say "I'm gonna vomit."

"Same here but it'll be worth it."

"And there are a ton of people there. They'll recognize us."

"Don't worry about it. We'll be switching cities later tonight, anyway."

"Alright." I nod "Let's do this."

I park the car and just when I'm about to open the door, Calum stops me.

"Here." He says, handing me a hoodie "Probably not the best disguise but I know how you get."

I take it, smiling "Thanks."

We get out of the car and try to make it past all the people without anyone noticing, though we do hear a few whispers as we pass by. We make it to the registration desk and Calum hands the guy seated behind the table a paper. He nods and stands.

"Right this way." He says, leading us out

We're faced with the giant bungee jump ride thing (why do I never take note of names?). The guy helps us board and strap on our seat belts and briefing us about the ride- how long it's going to last, how high it'll go, etcetera. When he's done, he turns and heads to where the controls are.

"How is this related to calling birds?" I ask Calum

"Because, Carter, our yelling on this ride represents the calling part. The bungee represents the bird's flying."

"Why did that sound so formal?"

"I'm nervous." He laughs

"Me too. But we got this."

The guy looks up at us from the control area.


We give him a thumbs up and we're hurdling into the air.


"JUST DON'T MAKE IT HURT." He shouts and laughs back

12 days of christmas // c.h [completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat