H u n t e r - e r a s e d

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Theories change when they're proven wrong. Thoughts are erased when other-more consuming-thoughts are written above the old ones. People take another path when they see the light. Memories stay the same until we decide to replace them from our minds. 

When we erase memories, we're no longer the same people. 

"What are you thinking about?" Hannah asked me, loading her dishwasher. 

"The past," I answered her truthfully.

"What's with the past?"

"A lot. It holds so much and if we try to erase it, we erase ourselves."

"You eliminate yourself," she told me, holding a pile of dishes. 


"When you erase your past, you eliminate yourself. You'll no longer exist the same."

I nodded, she was right.

"I have my own theory," she smiled at me when she closed the door of the dishwasher wit the heel of her feet. She sat criss-crossed in front of me. She took my hands in hers and massaged them with her thumbs.  "Think about it like it's the ground."

I let out a laugh and she frowned. "Continue, I'm sorry," I told her and lifted her hands and kissed them. 

"You need to walk on the ground to move along. It's what keeps you stable. Without something holding your weight, you'd shatter in the oblivion."

"That's some deep shit, Hannah," I playfully winked at her.

"It's called preventing mistakes."

"Call it whatever you want to call it. You look hot talking like a professor."

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