"more than the world"

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he excaped my lips and looked at me, deep into my eyes, causing his sexiness to increase. my whole body felt enlightened and I started to crave his touch.
did he do this on purpose? did he know the weed would make me want him?

well whatever, it worked.

I started to bite my lip and I moved even closer to him. "are you alright ari-" i interrupted him with a deep kiss, I escaped it after a few seconds, leaving him in shock, I began to move on to his neck, nibbling on it slightly in all of the places that drives him crazy. "ahh Ariana that feels so g-good" his little stuttering made this cute. I chuckled and brushed my lips against his neck, causing him to twitch, "you ok justin?" I smirked.
he looked at me and raised his eye brows, "yea babe I'm fine, lay down now... it's my turn."
I obeyed his words and laid down as he hovered over me. I was uneasy honestly, but too caught up in the heat of the momment to care right now.
he began to kiss on my for head on down to my neck as he started to nibble little circles on my soft spot causing me to moan loudly. I worked my way under him and started to remove my clothes, he quenched his eyes shut as he put his hands on mine, making it so I couldn't unzip my pants any further. "Ariana.. stop." he whispered, still hovering over me. "no. I want you now." my voice was shaky, I needed him so bad. "babe, no u dont. I shouldn't have turned you on like that.. breathing in my extra weed into your mouth was a dumb idea truthfully. your hormones are out of wack right now, u just need to calm down."

he opened up his eyes and stared deeply down at me. "n-no justin, I want to have ur everything right now. you don't want me?" my lip started to quiver. he gave me a sincere look as he pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes ones more, we were chest to chest now as he hovered over me. "Ariana no, I want you so bad right now it's dangerous. I want every part of you, every single part because your so god damn beautiful baby. but I know you don't really want this, your just caught up in the moment and I completely understand but you would regret it tomorrow, you wouldn't like the feeling of being impure.. I know you haven't had your first time yet and baby, I wouldn't want you to waist something so beautiful and priceless on a guy like me."
I heard his voice crack and it practically broke my heart. maybe he's right.. maybe im not ready. but he is wrong about one thing.
"justin I love you.." I breathed out. not regretting one word. "w-what did you say?" he sat up a little off of me, his face was emotionless as if he was having a heart attack.
I sat up, so I was face to face with him now. "justin, I-I love you." he sat there speechless and I began to feel worried that he would reject being with me.
his hand corressed my face as he pulled me in and kissed me deeply, he broke the kiss apart and had a huge smile across his face and I noticed a little tear stream down his left cheek. "baby, I love you too.. more than the world." he rested his forehead on mine and twirled my hair in between his fingers. we jsat there in beautiful silence, chest to chest, as our hearts heavily beated In unison.

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A/N: my favorite chapter so far ok like omgoodness. but leave feedback, vote, and follow loves (; !

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