"normal isnt perfect"

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Ariana's point of view:

I haven't left Justin's room at all today except for when I went out and got my new iPhone. me and Justin haven't talked all day either, and I hated this. he clearly thought i hated him because he was leaving tomorrow; which I didn't. I was just upset that soon i won't have him to comfort me. I don't know what I'll do with myself when he's gone.

it was around 2am and justin still hasn't come to bed yet and I was starting to become concerned. I walked out of the bedroom door to the living room and turned my head to find justin out on the back deck with a smoke.

"justin?" I mumbled while walking over to him; then stopping right in front of him. he didnt reply; he just stood there, voiceless, keeping his gaze on whatever the hell he was looking at. "look, justin, I'm not mad." I admitted, and that finally caused him to snap out of it and look down at me.

"I know your not, I'm just upset about leaving you. but I promise I'll text you every morning and night, I'm not loosing contact with you. ever."

he looked down into my brown eyes sincerely and I looked back, deeply into his sorrow-filled ones.

i smiled faintly; warm tears began to stream down my cheeks, "then we have nothing to worry about, right?"
he corressed my face and wiped the tears away with his thumb.

"how long will you be gone?"

"not long, I promise."

his voice sounded distant. I knew this trip was important, because he wouldn't just leave me like that if it wasn't. I also knew he wasn't going to give me any more details; so I didn't bother asking.

"promise me you won't get hurt?"

"babe, you know I can't say that."

he said honestly, then gazed back down into my brown eyes.

"but there's something I want to say, before I leave later on in the morning.." he pulled me onto a warm embrace before continuing,

"I don't think I have ever told you,
in this short amount of forever we've
had together,
how much you mean to me;
I haven't told you how happy you
make me,
or how you mean the absolute world to me,
but I truly want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me;
and I'll love you forever."

I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest. this was so perfect. and soon I won't be able to have it for a little while.
"I'm not ready for you to leave. why can't we be a normal, perfect couple, with normal arguments and normal jobs?"

"normal isnt perfect, Ariana. we're imperfect, and I love it. I never thought I'd ever have this, because I've never met a brave enough girl to be with me, in my life situation. we aren't a perfect couple, no; but you're perfect for me, and I believe that's good enough."

I just smiled at his poetic words. you'd never think he was a criminal. he treated me like such a queen.

I was the princess, and he was my bad boy.

"lets go to bed babe, you look tired."

he grabbed my hand and took me inside, up to his bed room.

I laid in the sheets as he crawled in behind me, rapping his arms around me, the rest of that night was filled with peaceful sleep.

Justin's Point of view:

I didn't sleep at all that night; I spent it, watching her drift off in her dreams. I held her and played with her hair for a bit because I knew I wouldn't be able to do this again for while.

there's no telling how long we'll be gone. business usually took us up to 5 weeks-when we had to travel-which we do. the Monroe's want us to meet in the middle with them; and Florida is a long way from Canada.

she's going to be so upset when she found out I lied to her. I couldn't help it. I didn't want her to spend the whole night worrying. I hated this.

I got out of bed around 6am and got dressed, left a note for Ariana on the pillow on the side I normally slept on, loaded guns and my bag full of close into the trunk of Bruce's truck, and met the boys out side.

"you ready to go justin?"

"no. but if we don't go now.. I'll never leave."

Ariana's point of view:

I woke up late this morning. I hadn't slept this good in months.

I looked over and justin wasn't there, I saw a note on his pillow which read;

"I love you so much beautiful,
I'll miss you.

it's official, he was gone, and I didn't even get to say goodbye.

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