"bieber? bieber who?"

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I woke up on a hard floor, and saw nothing but black. did this jerk really blind fold me? flippin fantastic.
at least I wasn't tied up but If I tried to escape I know I'd be shot right on the spot.

all I remember is being thrown into a big sack, I kicked and screamed as much as I could and the air began to run out of the bag... after that everything went black, and now I'm here.

I wonder if justin knows I'm gone. maybe he's out somewhere doing something and then he comes home and to his horror, he finds me gone. or maybe he knows and doesn't care.. maybe he's not looking for me at all. maybe I might as well kiss my life good bye. but I don't like to think this way. I like to think fairy tale endings with flowers and kisses but that never happens to be the case with me. unless u call a violent, bipolar, teenage boy that is involved with some sort of crime, a prince. then this is no fairy tale story.

but he's not like that to be honest. I almost hate myself for thinking that. he's the most misunderstood person I've ever met. he has a remarkable talent, he's brave, smart, wild, yet calm, tough yet sweet all at the same time. he may be bi polar and scary sometimes but I'll always know he loves me. I haven't known him long but it feels like I've known him forever. he's beautiful, inside and out. it's crazy how fast this is all happening. and deep down in my heart I know he's worried about me. he cares.

all of my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of foot steps coming my way. I stayed sitting on the ground and didnt move a muscle. now I'm terrified.

"mornin sweet pea." I shivered at the sound of his raspy voice. he sounded young... around my age.

"I'm talking to you. ANSWER ME." he yelled as if he were a cop and I was the murderer causing me to jump practically 5 feet off of the ground. I shook my head, "no." I firmly said.

I could almost see his face fill with confusion in my head. "no..? no, what?"
I cleared my throat to answer. "no. as in I'm not going to obey your orders until you tell me why I'm here. I want a full explanation."
I heard him chuckle.
"your the one held captive here. not me. your under my rules. I don't care if you think your gonna obey me or not because no matter what you say, your gonna listen to me. now your gonna give me some answers."
I heard him walking closer to me, he pulled me up from the ground so I was standing now, he stood behind me and rapped his arms around my waist.

I could feel him breathing on my neck slowly.

"you sure are beautiful. I like your hair.." I didn't bother to answer. "so, sweetie. what's your name?"

"ari-ariana" I hesitantly whispered.

"beautiful name for a sexy girl." I ignored his pick up lines.

"so what's the deal with you and bieber?" I could almost feel him smirking hugely. this was about justin. they would kill him if I told him anything.

"bieber? bieber who?" I played dumb.

"DON'T YOU LIE TO ME" he yelled and smacked his hand right across my face, knocking me straight to the ground. I didn't move because I still saw nothing but the black blind fold. all I could do was lay there and cry over the huge stinging from his hand on my cheeks and wonder,

where the hell is justin?

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A/N: vote, comment, and fan girl! ok Im enjoying writing this one so much (: I hope u like reading it.

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