"say goodbye to your life"

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Justin's point of view:

I began driving towards Jason's old wear house. I took short; yet stable breaths in and out, calming myself down.

I thought he was locked up for good. he's killed so many men before, I can't believe they would ever let him out. this man was so cold hearted; he could do anything to Ariana, without a care.

these thoughts made my anger build and Chaz quickly noticed, he pulled his eye brows together and his concern started to show, "calm down, bro I know it's a lot to take in. didnt you just meet the damn girl?"

I took no time to process what he said what-so-ever, I ran away from school with her, I've opened up to her, and I love her; if a blind man stood next to me and her, he'd be able to feel the love radiating off of us. she's the one for me and I refuse to take any criticism about it; especially at a time like this.

"are you joking?- you know I care for her more than I have for any girl. they come and go but she's staying." I ripped my gaze from him and began to speed up the car tremendously, "look, I get it. but what If you find her but she's not alive?"

I didn't dare to face him; I gripped onto the steering well tighter, making my hands go red and numb from my fury. "she IS alive Chaz. I'm certain of it. I feel her." Chaz didnt take my words seriously at all and he gave a light chuckle but stayed quiet. he knew I'd stop the car and kill him on the spot if he didnt shut up; I really am a monster.

about 20 silent minutes passed by and all I did was worry; I pulled straight into the gravel drive way that lead up to Jason's wear house. I went all of the way around and hid the car so we weren't able to be seen easily.

chaz hopped right out of the car and grabbed his set of weapons; I turned off the car ignition then I grabbed my set, which was heavily larger than his.

we silently entered the very back entrance, where no one was; we walked up against the walls, and searched every hall and room we could find. I spotted a stair well with a sign on it that read; "beyond this point is a private area."

I tore the sign down and quickly yet silently went down the rusted, metal stairs and Chaz followed behind me, hot on my tail; as we made it to the bottom, I opened the doors that led to the private room that used to be Jason's room before he got prosecuted.

the doors opened, and to my horror, I saw Ariana strapped to a bed with barely any clothes on; Jason hovering over her as she screamed in sorrow and regretment.

"get the hell off of her!" I ripped him from her and knocked him on the ground, causing his noes to bleed heavily.

"oh justin, I see you've made it. perfect timing" he stated sarcastically as he crawled his way back to were he was able to stand. "yeah. and this is where you say goodbye. I'm done with you Jason and don't think for a damn minute, that I won't kill you on the spot." I spat at him as I backed him up against the wall.

"oh, I believe it. but if you kill me, I have my boys kill her." he pointed over to Ariana who was rapped up In a cover, over in the corner, shivering; I let go of Jason and ran over to her.

she flinched away from me- she was terrified. but it was not only of Jason; it was of me. that's the last thing I ever wanted. I took my leather jacket off and handed it to her so she can cover it over her beautiful exposing body which was soon to be violated just a few seconds ago if I hadn't made it. he would've token her priceless innocents by force. that was pure evil; and it pissed me the hell off.

no body touched her, not even me. I ran back to Jason- who was being held back my Chaz; and kicked him on the ground repeatedly, he rolled on the ground and had blood pouring from his stomach and nose; practically bleeding to death which didnt bother me at all.

I took out one of my guns- fully loaded- and pointed it down at his head, "say goodbye to your life, McCann." he opened his mouth partly to say something; but Ariana ran over to me, inbetween Jason and my gun, "stop justin, don't do this." she cried, "why the hell not?"

"because I don't want you to murder any one, not here, not now. can we just leave... please?" she starred at me in sorrow; as the water in her eyes began to flow out. and the cuts on her body showing clearer now. I started to weaken under her gazed.

"sure.. we'll go now. Chaz, c'mon." I said quietly as we all began to walk away from Jason who was weakly laying on the tiled floor, not moving at all.

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A/N:sorry for updating so much lol I just wanted to get that part over with. (: vote and comment! I love you all so much!

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