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Seokjin's POV

I was about to walk out the ice cream shop. But Taehyung notice.

"Hyung wait come here!!!" Taehyung said which made Hoseok turn around.
I walked towards their table with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Hey guys what ate you doing here?" I asked then I felt stupid for asking because duh its an ice cream shop, and you eat ice cream.

"Hyung please sit down Me and Hoseok have something very important to tell you" Taehyung told me giving Hoseok a nervous glace.

"Its okay tae tae you can tell me anything." I said giving him a smile.

"Well as you see me and hoseok have been having sexual relationships and well we stoped for about two months and for those two months my stomach started to grow and yesterday when we were at the hospita I found out I am pregnant and with hoseoks baby" Taehyung told me.

"And I know you are going through the same things so please don't do something that you'll regret later" Taehyung said giving me a sad smile.

"Taehyung how did you know I am pregnant?" I asked scared who else knew about this.

"Well I kinda heard the conversation you had with Dr Choi" Taehyung said looking down as if I scoled at him.

"But Me and Hoseok are gonna support you with the baby" Taehyung said

"Taehyung it is easy for you to say that, why because Hoseok loves you but in my case the man that I love only slept with me to satisfy his needs when his boy friend wasn't around and now he doesnt even want nothing to do with me. So I think getting an abortion is the best option" I said tears streaming down my cheeks.

"No hyung it is not the best option and I wouldn't like you killing a living thing hes part of you and part of him anyway" and yes Taehyung was right about that.

"Well I already decided and I am not gonna change my mind plus no one knows except you two" I said getting upset and angry at myself for being selfish and arrogant. I walked away without saying bye.


Jin sat on one of the benches on the small park he was so scared sure he wanted the baby but at the same time he didn't, why, because he was young and didn't plan to have children yet and plus it was going to be the onther way around his wife was supposed to have kids not him.

He got up and walked to the swing set and sat down on one of them. He took out his phone to call his mom.

"Hello mom?"

"Hello my son so whats the good news?" His mom asked him.

"I am going to get an abortion mom" jin answered.

"No Kim Seokjin I will not have you kill a poor innocent child plus he/she didn't do anything wrong it was your action so don't even think about ithis mom answered and hung up before he could say anything else. But what was he supposed to do tell YoonGi? Or just run away?. The second one sounded more pleasing, but he can't do that since YoonGi is the father too and he needs to know about the existence of his son or daughter.

So the best option was to meet up with him and the boys and tell them the truth maybe just maybe they will understand.


YoonGi's POV

I woke up next to Jimin who was sleeping peacefully. I looked at his face and hair. He looked so beautiful sleeping. In the back of my mind I kept thinking about Jin for some reason. I feel like a complete dick shit for sleeping with him then just leaving him. I got up and checked my phone.

I had 2 messages and one missed call. I pressed the call button and waited for the person to answer.


"Um did you call me?" I asked well duh he did call me.

"Oh yeah, I just want to meet up with you because I have important news to tell you and its urgent "

"Okay see ya around 1:35 pm" I answered.

"Okay" before I could say anything else he hung up.

Seokjin's POV

I am so scared what am supposed to tell the boys 'oh hey guys I am pregnant with YoonGi's child the end' no that was so stupid I dont think I can believe myself neither I mean who would they areprobably going to think its a joke. I jumped when I heard the door bell ring. It kept on ringing so i quickly answered it.

I opened the door and their stood Hoseok, Taehyung, and  Namjoon.

"Hey guys come in welcome!" I said making space for them to come in.

"So why are we here?" Namjoon asked and looked at Jin.

"Wait I want everyone to be here first" I answered him. Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other and nodded as if they already knew what i was gonna say.

"So do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I asked. Taehyung just nodded and Namjoon was too busy looking at his phone to even notice. Hiseok grabbed Taehyung his drink anf handed it to him.

Twenty minutes later the door ringed again, but Hoseok went to get it. I was so nervous. I heard a lot of voices and I knew it was the rest of bangtan. Once they all came and said hi to me except Jimin and all sat down and looked at me.

"So whats the big news? Because I am  sure not interested" Jimin said speaking rudely.

I swallowed hard and cleaned my palms because they are sweaty.

"Well the reason why I have been sick is because.... Um well I don't have stomach bug but its bigger than that. When I was small my mom always told me that I have female parts and there for I have a female reproductive system. And what I am trying to say is that I am pregnant with YoonGi's child" I said



OUR BELOVED CHILD (Mpreg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora