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Third person's pov

The doctor looked at the machine and stared at it shocked. Both boys were shaking in fear.. Was something wrong with their baby?. The doctor was also very confused how come he didn't notice another fetus in there. He looked at the boys and Jin had tears in hid eyes while YoonGi looked unsure as to what to do.

"Okay boys I have very important news for you both" doctor choi said.

"See this here. Its not just one baby their is two babies. Now the reason why you can't hear the other heart beat is because the other baby is to weak" doctor choi said. He pointed to the screen where you could see the babies. Jin was feeling so many emotions, he didn't even know what to feel anymore. He was happy because he was going to have two kids, but he also wanted to cry because he didn't want his other kid to suffer. YoonGi was confused he didn't know what to do. He grabbed Jins hand and holded it tightly.

"We will do anything possible to help your child, but for the mean time you are going to have one boy and a girl congratulations to both of you. Oh and once you are done I will give you prescriptions for new medicines, and these are to help your younger child, with her weak heart " Dr. Choi said bowing.

Both boys stayed silent.

"We will get through this together and I will do everything to do so our baby girl can stay healthy and safe." YoonGi said kissing Jin's head and helped him clean his belly, no wonder why his stomach is bigger than normal.

"I just wish I could help her, its my fault for not eating properly" Jin said putting on back his pink sweater.

"No its not anything but your fault" YoonGi said, "well come one we gotta go meet Taehye " YoonGi said and Jin nooded. YoonGi grabbed Jin's hand and kissed his cheek.


Jungkook was holding Taehye he was happy..

"I can't wait to have my own children" Jungkook said he made everyone turn around.

"No you don't they are so much work" Taehyung said.

"But they are so cute" Jungkook said kissing Taehye's forehead.

The door opened and YoonGi and Jin walked in, everyone was happy to see them. And they were also curios as to what their babies were going to be. Jin smiled and walked towards kookie. He smiled at Taehye and she smiled back showing her gums. Jin admired Taehye she was beautiful a good combination of Hoseok and Taehyung. Taehye had brown hair, almost the color of Taehyung's, she had hoseoks eyes and his nose, her lips were just like Taehyung's and her eye color was like both of her parents. She was going to be a heart breaker. YoonGi smiled as he saw his boyfriend look at Taehye. He just hope that his small daughter was okay. Both of the boys were brought oug of their thoughts when Taehyung spoke.

"So hows your baby?" Taehyung asked.

"Well both of them are okay, except our girl she has a weak heart." YoonGi explained.

"Wait what?! you guys are having twins?" Lydia asked jumping up and down from excitement. Both boys nooded.

"Congrats" Namjoon said back hugging Lydia who was avout to cry of happiness.

"Thanks" Jin said feeling much better. Again the door opened and their manager walked in with a baby bag.

"Congratulations Taehyung and Hoseok, but now we got a problem. Everyone wants to know what is this?" Manager Bang said holding out his phone. It was a picture of Taehyung and Jin in two different places. Also it was a side ways picture so you could clearly see their bumps. Everyone gasped. (Everyone gasp)


Sorry i didnt not read over it but i just wanted to say thanks for your vote and stuff it really makes me happy. I know its a short update but i have no time since school started again i will try to update as much as i can. Thanks so much again. And now......

Choose one of each..





Make sure you put boy or girl okay and the one with the most comments wins, thanks that was all.

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