chapter 2.

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(Aurora P.O.V)

As I woke, my head started to throb. This bed, it felt...strange. I froze. The events of last night came rushing back to my head with a thud as I drove my body upwards from the bed.

Why was I here, what did he want with me. A million thoughts rushed through my head on who my captor could be.

I'm going to die.

A door flew open and I screamed bloody murder as a body walked towards me . He smiled and reached for my hand but I quickly squirmed away to the furthest part on the bed away from this strange man.
Why is he smiling at me?

Reaching for me once again, I tried to resist as I panicked and screamed. It was useless, he grabbed my waist as he hauled me over his shoulder kicking and screaming into another room.

Coming to a sudden stop I was dropped onto a chair. My eyes widened as I looked around, it was a huge room painted in my favourite colour, purple; A kitchen to my left with a large leather sofa to my right. Flowers and various homely items were placed around the room. Everything seemed so expertly placed.

I was pushed out of my thoughts as his lips crashed to mine. Holding my head he pushed his tongue into my mouth and I spluttered as I struggled. He tasted like cool peppermint.

Who the fuck did he think he was? My left hand connected with his face as my right tried to claw his face. Unsuccessfully. Catching my right hand he grabbed my body and as my back crashed painfully against a wall; black dots dancing over my vision as I started to shake with fear the only thing I could do now was cry.
I felt so defeated. Looking into my eyes, he brought his head down towards my face as he licked my tears.

Freezing with fear I whispered lightly "What do you want from me?"

(Captor P.O.V)

"What do you want from me?"

My dear sweet Aurora.

Licking the tears from her face, she tasted like the finest wine. I stroked her hair, so beautiful, so soft. She started to struggle and recoil.
"I want everything from you Aurora, everything."

Her eyes widened with fear as she started to speak.
"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot of things about you my sweet. Let's just say, I've been watching and waiting for you for while." I felt her body go rigid as she stared at me in horror.

"May I please have a glass of water?" She stuttered as I placed a kiss on her forehead. She looked exhausted, it was too much for her. A deep sleep would make her feel better.

Making my way towards the kitchen, I reached for the white powder in my pocket and a glass in the cupboard. Turning the tap, I looked behind me to see the angel looking for an exit. Discreetly putting the powder in the glass I swirled the water as it evaporated.

Walking back towards her I handed the glass and watched her swallow a few gulps. That'll do.
"What do you mean you've been watching me?"
Smiling at her, I sat on a chair.
"I saw you. A while back actually, at the supermarket. You had me enthralled from that very moment, I had to know and have you for myself. You can't leave because your mine now baby."

Something snapped and she threw the glass at me as she made a bolt for a door leading towards another room. Dodging the glass I caught her hair and dragged her backwards into my body. She screamed and elbowed me in the ribs as I doubled over.

She reached the door knob and tried to turn it but her body wasn't cooperating as the sleeping powder started to kick in. Leaning against the door she tried to make her hand turn the doorknob but her body slid against the wall to the floor. Getting up I stormed towards her.

"What- what did you do to me. I tired"
Her eyes started to close.
"You needed something to make you less...excited. You need to sleep."
Watching her eyes close and her breathing started to even I scooped her body into my arms while walking to the bedroom and laying her on the silk sheets.

Pulling the covers over her delicious body I resisted the urge to take her. I couldn't, she needed to be awake and knowing of the love between us.

Walking out of her bedroom I made my way through the two locked doors and up the stairs to the main part of the house.
I had converted the downstairs basement to make her feel more homely, after all she would be here for all her life now n

Walking up the main stairs into the master bedroom I took my time as I undressed and stared at myself in the mirror. I wanted nothing more than to hold her silky soft body in my arms.
She just needed more time; I have to give her everything she wants until she can give me all of her.

(THANK YOU FOR THE READS, VOTES AND COMMENTS! means alooottttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. Keep suporting me and i will keep writing chapters :D <3

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