The End

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Though the boys continued to have ups and downs in their lives, they always had each other.

Lukas had finally gotten a date and accepted Leon and Emil's realationship.

The two were still teased for being gay, but the comments were ignored because they knew their love was strong enough to go through anything.

Emil never really got used to the words, but he knew the other's who said the words were just jealous that they were more in love than they could ever be.

Leon stopped faking his personality and showed his true self at school.

The two boys are perfect for each other and there's nothing changing that.

You can be the peanut butter to my jelly, you can be the butterflies I feel in my belly. You can be the chills that I get on our first date, you can be the captain and I can be the first mate~

--154 words!!!!
Sorry for not updating.
This is the end.
Sorry for the loose ends.
I can't update this anymore...
I don't ship HongIce anymore.
I hope you liked this book~

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