Chapter 2

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Break time has started and you just finished packing your things. As you exited the class, you began wandering around and looking for the canteen.

You were about to ask someone for directions, but suddenly you heard a familiar voice from somewhere.

"Stop calling me with that name!" The voice shouted from the other corridor. Your eyes widened and you ran to see the source of the voice.

You found a really tall and green-haired boy walking beside someone shorter. "Can he be him? Well duh, he has green hair." You thought. But without thinking for any other second you finally had the guts and ran to him.

"SHINTARO!!" You screamed, as you gave him a painful smack on his head. "WHAT THE..?!? (Y/N)?!" His eyes were widely open. "What are you doing here? You never said that you'll be attending shotuku!"

You frowned a little since your mother was the one who forced you to. "Well, you never told me either! And didn't answer my texts or calls for about three months, you dumbass!"

He suddenly froze. "I changed my number, Baka!" He shouted. "And you never said so?!" You shouted back. "YOU NE--"

"PEOPLE!!" You bother froze for a while and then turned to see the source of the sound. 'Oh it's... the guy that helped me today... Uh...WHAT WAS HIS NAME?!?'

"You two know each other, shin-chan?" He asked, his face puzzled as hell.

"A childhood friend." Shintaro simply answered. "Oh wait. You're (l/n), right?" Takao managed to ask.

'Please say your name! Please say your name!' You didn't know how to reply. "A-Ah, y-yes. Nice to see you again.. Umm... T-Takeshi-kun?" you replied.

"I see you forgot my name already, Takao Kazunari." Takao laughed awkwardly as he corrected you. "As forgetful as always, huh, (Y/N)?" Shintaro teased.

"Shut up! Tsundere carrot." You teased back, and Shintaro popped out a nerve. "Yah! I'm not a tsundere!" You laughed so hard, that you didn't notice Takao was dying from laughter too.

"Yah! Stop laughing you two!" He warned. That was the time when your stomach had to make these dying whale noises from hunger. "Uh... Hehe."

You were really embarrassed and your face turned into a tomato, but then your stomach continued to make it even worse.

"Uh guys, I'm really hungry. Can you take me to the canteen?" You asked, trying to shush your stomach by pressing it.


The three of you were sitting on a table, eating your food while every girl in the canteen is glaring at you.

"So, (Y/N) is one of your close friends from Teiko?" Takao asked for the fifth time, trying to rearrange everything we just told him.

"For the fifth time, yes. The others and I met (Y/N) and her friends at a basketball field, and we all discovered that we're all going to Teiko so we became friends. That's the story-nanodayo." Shintaro answered him with annoyance.

Silence filled the table, and since you hated it, you started a conversation. "So, what clubs did you guys join?"

"We're both in the basketball club." Takao said. "Do you plan on joining any clubs, (Y/N)?"

"Well, I did want to be the manager in the basketball club, but I've been absent for a whole week so I guess it's taken." You replied with a hint off sadness in you voice.

"Actually, it's not." Takao said. Your eyes widened a bit. "How come?" You asked still shocked.

"Almost all of the girls who registered to be the manager, was because they wanted to see Miyaji senpai's abs. So, we couldn't accept them." Your eyes began twitching as your jaw dropped.

"What about the the rest of the girls?" You asked. "Otsubu senpai's abs." He simply replied and your jaw completely dropped to the ground.

"Wait, does that mean I can join?" You asked with sparkling eyes. "Depends on your reasons, for basketball or abs?" He questioned with a flirty face.

"Yah! Of Course because of basketball!" You answered as you pouted. "What do you think, Shin-chan?" Takao asked and turned to Shintaro.

"Well, (Y/N) is pretty dense when it comes to life , but she's really sharp when it comes to basketball. She'll be be able to help us." Shintaro admitted while pushing up his glasses.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Great! Then after schools we can take you to the gym, sounds cool?" He told you and smiled widely. "Sure!" You replied grinning from ear to ear.

"By the way, why were you late today, Takao-kun?" You suddenly remembered what happened this morning.

"Because of this carrot here. He abandoned me in the middle of the street when I was fixing the rick saw!" He explained while pointing at Shintaro and faked some tears.

"Yeah, Shintaro can be a pain in the neck sometimes." You said and patted his back, pretending to comfort him.

"You two know that I'm sitting right beside you-nanodayo." He informed and popped out a nerve.

You two laughed at the drama you just made. At that moment, the bell suddenly rang and the break time was over.

Both of you sighed in frustration. The three of you stood up and went to drop Shintaro at his classroom. And the girls' glares are becoming more and more tense, but you were dense as hell so you didn't notice anything.


School was finally over. As soon as the bell rang, Takao approached you to take you to the basketball gym. You two were walking through the corridor until a question popped up in your head.

"Takao-kun, how did you and Shintaro become friends? From what I know, he's pretty bad at making friendships." You questioned, you were really curious.

"Well, it's kind of a long story. So in short, Shin-chan was my worst enemy back in junior high. But when I discovered that he's attending the same school I'm attending, I thought it would be better if I worked with him, instead of having revenge on him, and make him notice my skills. That's pretty much the story." He explained.

Your brain was still focused on his story, because you kind of understood the whole thing.

"Oh, we're here!" Takao exclaimed.

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