Chapter 6

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"We're late.." You gulped, facing your classroom's door.

"(Y/N), how come I never knew you were in my classroom?" Oka asked in shock.

"Oka, I literally introduced myself yesterday."

"I think I slept the first period, I can't remember."

You shifted your attention to the door and held the doorknob. You opened it revealing your teacher. She immediately turned her head and saw the two of you.

"I see that you two are late, and (L/N)-san, again?" The teacher said squeezing her pencil. "Do you have any excuses you want me to hear you two?"

"Teacher, we were--"

"I'm sorry I'm late again, teacher. I forgot my things in the locker." You interrupted Oka and apologized, bowing your head to your teacher, Oka immediately following your steps. You didn't want to say that you almost got in a fight because you thought it would lessen your reputation in your second day.

"Okay have a seat, but next time it's detention."

"Yes, teacher." You and Oka sighed in relief and headed to your seat. Takao looked at you while you gave him a small smile, and he smiled back. While Oka took her seat which was the last but at the other wall of your class. She gave you a smile and then placed her head on her table folding her arms.

"Okay, now that everyone is here. The school informed us that we should start the projects this week. Every group should have two students, and you get to chose who you want. You have two months until the deadline. Also, your English teacher will be responsible to help you with your projects, and he will tell you the rest about it. You can chose your partner now, then write your group on a paper, and leave it on my desk. You have 2 minutes."

You glanced at Takao and noticed that some girls were looking at him, trying to get their guts together to ask him. You left your seat and inhaled deeply. 'It's now or never, (Y/N).' You thought it might be a chance for you, and you simply couldn't waste it.

"T-Takao-kun," You called, gaining his attention right away. "You think we can maybe.. Umm.. T-Team up for the project." You finished and exhaled.

"Sure, I was gonna ask you actually." He smiled. Your heart skipped a beat, and your cheeks flustered red. You smiled back at him and went back to your seat.

About two minutes passed, and the teacher began scanning the place. "Did everyone get a partner?" Your teacher asked. You lifted your head to Oka and saw her resting her head on the table not really caring. "Hayashi-san, I can't see your partner." Then, a familiar face lifted his head. It was when you realized he was that Ryan guy from today.

He eyed another boy and the boy shrugged innocently. "Sorry, man. I'm with my girlfriend." His friend said and the lad sighed in defeat. The teacher seemed to notice Oka without a partner, too.

"Okay, Mizuki-san and Hayashi-san. Since both of you have no partners, I think it's fair for you two to form a group for the project." The teacher declared.


Almost everyone is the class jumped from their seats, when they heard the both of them shout suddenly.

"I'm sorry, teacher! But I'm not working with that douchebag!"

"Please, teacher! I can't work with her! Besides, I can't stand her!"

"Oh, really. Then have a seat, jerk!"

"Haha, so funny! Ge--"


At that moment, time froze. You and Takao kept exchanging looks nervously. "What is this insolence, suddenly shouting in my class like that?!" The teacher roared in anger. "For a punishment you will team up for the project!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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