Chapter 3

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You and Takao entered the gym, he then turned to you and smiled. "Welcome to the gym, (Y/N)."

Your eyes were filled with sparkles. Ever since you were young, basketball was your life. You were so excited to meet everyone.

"Oi, Takao, go change into your gym cloths. You're late." A tall and blonde male ordered Takao. Takao pointed to a bench and told you to sit, he then left. The blonde then turned to you and his face suddenly turned pale as if he just saw a ghost.

Just then, another tall and large guy approached him to check on him. He then turned his gaze on what the blonde was focused on, which was you. Suddenly both of their faces were filled with horror.

"COACH! A GIRL WAS ALLOWED IN THE GYM!" They both shouted to someone who looked in his late 40s, who seemed to be the coach.

The coach then turned to you. "MIYAJI! OTSUBU! FAST, HIDE IN THE LOCKERS!!" The coach shouted panicking.



"NO! IM NOT RUNNING AWAY ANYMORE! SOMEONE GIVE ME A PINEAPPLE!" The guy you guessed to be Miyaji said. Then, another guy appeared suddenly, handed him a pineapple and remained standing.

"Are you seriously going to hit a girl?!"

"Of course, not! Just threatening!"

You were still confused and you didn't know how to react to all of this. And when the guy called Miyaji stepped few steps forwards. He tripped over something that looked kinda like a duct tape. Which simply caused the pineapple to fly across the field, heading toward you.

"Has anyone seen my lucky item for toda-- WHAT THE HELL?!" Shintaro has exited the lockers room just to witness a pineapple flying in the middle of the air.

"Shin-chan? Why are you sta-- OH MY GOD! (Y/N) LOOKOUT!!" And Takao just realized that there was a flying pineapple heading towards you.

You were still on your spot, not daring to move a muscle. You forced your eyes shut and waited for the moment to end.


A loud thud was heard in the field. You opened your eyes to find out that Takao's back, was slightly just a few inches away from your face. You blushed furiously and took a few steps backwards.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked

'Oh my god! He's so close to me!' You screamed mentally.

"Uh, y-y-y-yes. I-I-I guess..." You managed to say.

"What the hell happened here?!"

The coach and the two black-haired males immediately pointed at the blonde. Takao raised an eyebrow at the other, but everyone in the gym seemed frozen in their own spot.

Takao and Shintaro still were standing, dumbfounded from their surroundings.


"So you want to join the basketball club as the manager?" The coach asked while massaging his forehead with his hand. You only nodded in response. "Uh, okay then. I'll just have to bring the papers from my desk and you'll have to sign it." He said. You sighed deeply in relief. You were finally able to join the club and enjoy the sport of your life.

"But, you'll have to go through a small test." He added.

"W-What kind of t-test??" You asked. You couldn't ignore the fishy feeling behind this 'test' he was talking about, and in no time you started cringing.

You all were raising your eyebrows at Otsubu-senpai, when the coach asked him to bring 'it' from his bag. But Otsubu-senpai's eyes were literally begging him not to ask him that. He then sighed in defeat and headed towards his bag.

He came back with a fashion magazine in his hands. He handed it to the coach, and the coach started flipping through the pages, until his eyes landed on a page and smirked. He finally handed you the magazine. You gulped really hard and landed your vision on the page.

And the first expression that was visible on your face was confusion. "W-Why would you show me a picture of Lee Jung Suk shirtless?"

"You passed the test!" The coach exclaimed.

"Yay! We have a new female member in the club!" Otsubu-senpai cheered.

"Otsubu, that sounded a bit weird. And why do you have a fashion magazine in your bag?" Miyaji-senpai questioned.

"I-I-It's my sister's!" He stuttered.

"Woah, wait. How do you even pass this test?" Shintaro was still confused as hell.

"You can not drool from fangirling on the picture." The coach explained flatly.

"This is ridiculous."

You and Takao faced each other and laughed at the sight. "Welcome to the club (Y/N)." He said and smiled at you. "So, you like it?" He asked facing me with gentle and wide smile.

"No," You started. And Takao instantly frowned at your comment. "I'm loving it already. Everyone is so funny and cheerful, and I can't help but laugh all the time. I guess I'll love it more as time goes by. If there were less topics about abs... You get what I mean." You finished and giggled.

Takao's face immediately lit up. "Well, glad to hear that." He then faced you with a bright smile that made your heart race wildly and your cheeks bright red.

You were still staring at him. All that what in your mind was how handsome he looks. His beautiful and slate blue eyes, his perfect-shaped nose, his smooth and soft parted lips--

'WOAH, WOAH! Wait a minute. How did his lips get involved here?! Am I being weird here...?


You finished packing your stuff and smiled. You wanted to say goodbye to the others before you leave, but all of them were still in the lockers room. You grabbed your bad and headed towards the exit. You stopped when you heard footsteps walking towards you. You lifted your head an saw that it was Otsubu-senpai.

"(Y/N)? You're leaving alone?"

"Ah, no. I'm calling the driver to pick me up."

"Oh, so you live a little far from here?"

"Nope, It's just that mom doesn't allow me to walk home alone at night."

"Well we can walk you home, if you want to?" Otsubu-senpai said grabbing his bag from the bench.

You thought about for a moment, and then you realized that you would be able to say goodbye to Takao. And Shintaro and the others. Your lips curved to a smile at the thought.


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