Chapter 6

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I was currently sat in my car with Scott driving to the warehouse.  Isaac, Boyd, Jackson, and Erika were in a car behind us.  I looked over at Scott as we were pulling into the warehouse parking lot and he looked really nervous.

"What's wrong Scott?" I asked as we stepped out of the car.  Again Scott made a nervous glance around.

"Derek, I'm not so sure about this" he said in a serious voice.  I was beginning to get a bit frustrated.  How could he not be sure about this, we were saving his best friend.

"How are you not sure about this Scott, we're finally going to save Stiles" I reasoned, voicing my thoughts.

"I don't know Derek, this all just seems too easy.  Seeing the symbol, getting here and there's no one around to guard or patrol" Scott explained "I feel like there has to be some sort of catch."  At this point the others had gotten here and we were walking towards the building.

"Scott makes a valid point Derek" Isaac offers.  I sigh internally,  my gut had been telling me the exact same thing, but there was no way I was giving up the opportunity to save Stiles.

"Look, I feel like if we are all on our guard we'll be fine" I shrugged starting to get a little on edge myself.  As we ventured through the warehouse I found myself tensing at every small noise.  Scott was definitely right, something was off.  Eventually we made it to a steel door at the end of a hall and I heard a faint heartbeat on the other side of the door.  With Scott and Boyd's help we ripped the door open to reveal a passed out Stiles.

I rushed in and immediately looked him over.  He had scratches all over his body, but luckily none were deep enough to change him.  I scooped him up into my arms and turned back to the others.

"We need to all be on our guard as we leave" I explained "there very well could be a planned ambush for when we come out."  They all nodded and we began the trek through the warehouse.  My eyes were constantly scanning the area as I gripped Stiles tight to my chest.  I kept my ears open also but never caught any sign of the alphas.

Before I knew it we were back at the cars and I was depositing Stiles into the back seat.  I looked over to Scott once I had gotten Stiles fully into the car.  I could tell he was having the same thoughts as me by the look on his face.

"It was too easy" Scott states.

"Way too easy" I agree.  I do another scan with my eyes and I still come up empty handed.

"They wouldn't just give Stiles back that easily, not without a fight" Scott guessed.  I nodded in agreement as both me and Scott scanned the area together.  The others all got back out of their car and joined us.

"What's the hold up?" Jackson asked "We got Stiles back didn't we."

"Just listen for a minute Jackson" Erika prodded catching on to our uncertainty.  Jackson sighed but did get quiet.

"It's too quiet" Boyd says.

"I say we leave now while we can, but still stay on our guard" Isaac reasons "for all we know, they could have easily gotten bored and decided to return Stiles."  Isaac made a good point, but I still had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Isaac's right, we can't wait here all night for an ambush that might not even happen" I chanted.  Everyone agreed half heartedly as we all piled into the cars.  The car ride home was surprisingly quiet and uneventful.  Soon enough we pulled up to my house and Isaac went to drop everyone off.  Scott decided to stay with me and an unconscious Stiles.

"Something isn't right Derek"  Scott finally said as we heard the others pull away.

"I'm aware of that Scott" I sighed.  Scott finally sat down on the arm chair next to the couch where Stiles was laying.

"What if there was never an ambush planned?  What if they did something and Stiles is going to start attacking us when he wakes up?" Scott asked with a shaky voice.

"Well we know they didn't turn him into a werewolf so we could easily overpower him and find out what's wrong" I shrugged, but hated the thought of them even messing with Stiles.

"I do care Derek" Scott said honestly "God I care so much Derek.  I know I haven't been the best friend to Stiles of late, and I feel horrible..... but I do care."  I bit my lip at Scott's frustration.

"I've been a bit hard on you Scott and I admit that.  It's just that I've gotten very protective of Stiles..." I stated, here goes nothing "I never told you this, I know you think I have a crush on Stiles but that's not it.  Stiles is my mate Scott."  I watched Scott's eyes widen a bit in surprise but soften almost immediately.

"You know, honestly I don't think that's such a bad thing" Scott said with a small smile.  I was about to reply to him when Stiles started to stir and mumble incoherent sentences.  Both Scott and I immediately turned to Stiles.  I watched as his eyes fluttered open and he shot backwards as if he was afraid of us.

"Stiles, it's ok.  It's just us" I said in a reassuring tone.

"Who the hell are you, I don't know you people" Stiles said frantically.  I could tell by his heart beat that he was completely freaked out.

"Stiles, it's Derek and Scott" I prodded trying to get him to calm down.  Why does he say he doesn't remember us?

"What do you want with me?" He asked in a shaky voice "I didn't do anything."  I finally noticed the claw marks on the back of his neck and froze.  Someone stole his memories.

"Stiles, who do you remember?" I asked calmly.

"I-" he said with a gulp "I don't know."  Scott was giving me alarmed looks but I gave him calming ones.

"Everything will be okay Stiles, we are not going to hurt you.  We are going to help you, okay?" I said looking him strait in the eye to build trust.  He swallowed and nodded.

"Derek, can I talk to you real quick" Scott said in a strained voice.  At that point Isaac came in and gave us a questioning look at everyone's different facial expressions.f

"Isaac can you stay with Stiles while I talk to Scott for a minute, he has no recollection of anything" I asked.  Isaac looked taken aback but nodded none the less.

"Stiles, this is a friend Isaac.  He isn't going to hurt you either" I explained.  Stiles gave another curt nod before I left with Scott.  I led Scott all the way to the kitchen so we would be out of Stiles' earshot.

"How the hell can you be so calm, Stiles lost all his freaking memories!" Scott sputtered at me.

"Calm down Scott, I've see this happen before.  I haven't actually cured  it yet but I know someone who might have" I explained to him in a calming tone.

"and who might that be Derek?" Scott said still a bit frustrated.

"Peter" I stated.

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