Chapter 26

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I blinked my eyes open to a bright white light, but it soon dulled to my familiar surroundings.  Well they were Deaton's everyday office, except for the fact that everything had a grey tint to it.  I looked down to see blood staining the tile and I knew that it was working.

I hurried through the door to find Deaton operating diligently on my body trying to bring me back to consciousness, which could only mean two things.  Deaton fails to revive me and I'm stuck here, or Deaton revives me quickly and I don't have much time.  With that thought, I pushed forward and out the front door of the clinic.

I knew this was a stupid idea when I did it.  I mean hell, I didn't even know where Stiles was at in this nothingness they call the ghost plain.  Though at the same time I felt this pull practically drawing me down the street in the direction of the forest.

In no time at all I found myself standing at the foot of my porch steps.  I took a deep breath as I made my way inside.  I was at a loss of which way to go, when I heard faint murmuring coming from upstairs.  I quickly ascended the stairs and made my way down the hall.  I pushed my way into my bedroom to find Stiles laying on the floor with a similar looking woman standing over him who I was assuming was his mother.

I was about to step towards Stiles when Claudia turned her head towards me as if she sensed my presence.  She let out a sad sigh as she pulled me into the hallway.

"What are you doing, if we don't get Stiles back to his body in minutes, he will be gone forever" I argued.

"And what about you Derek" Claudia chided "Do you know how horrified he is going to be when he gets back and finds out that you didn't come with him?"

"He'll survive" I muttered casting my gaze to the floor "He's better off without me anyway, it's all my fault he's in this situation to begin with."

"I'd beg to differ Derek" she stated with a sad smile "I've been watching over my son with a close eye, and he's never been as happy as he is with you Derek.  You may not want to believe it, but Stiles really does love you."

"Maybe he does love me, and maybe I even make him happy" I choked out with a frown "but lets face it, all I ever bring him is harm.  Maybe if I wasn't around to drag him into it, he might actually live a safe long life."  Claudia frowned as she realized that she wasn't going to be changing my mind anytime soon.

"I guess, but I wouldn't tell him you aren't coming back if I were you" she sighed "because then you'll never get him to go back."  I nodded as I made my way back into the room.

"Derek?" Stiles gasped, seeming more alert than when I was in here earlier.

"Hey Stiles" I smiled at seeing his face.  I was going to miss him.  His big brown eyes, his messy hair, even his ability to make light of the worst situations.  He was my anchor, but it was time I let him go and float away.

"What are you doing here" he breathed "are you dead?  Please tell me you aren't dead."

"Of course I'm not Stiles, but I need you to come back with me" I choked out, hating the sinking feeling of lying to him "I need you to come back and I'll always be there right by your side."  Stiles eyes water slightly with a new found strength as he stood up beside me.

"Then what are we waiting for" Stiles smiled softly, and together we hurried back to Deaton's clinic.


When we arrived back at Deaton's place, Stiles and I were hand in hand.  Stiles winced when he saw Deaton working on my torso, but in knew that Stiles didn't see how bad it was, which I was greatful for.  He frowned when he looked upon his pale body.

"I'm never going to be the same am I?" Stiles said as more of a statement than a question.  I shook my head with a heavy heart.

"You're right, death does leave it's mark on those who escape it" I murmured "but you're strong, and you'll work past it."

"And so will you" Stiles whispered as he looked straight into my eyes with his expectant ones.  I nodded as my heart sunk even deeper with pain.  Stiles turned to go back into his body, but I couldn't stop my hand from shooting out and grabbing his wrist.

"Stiles?" I called and he turned around with a curious face.  I gentle cupped his cheek and pulled him into a gentle kiss.  I saved the moment as the most precious moment in my mind.  I'm going to remember the way my heart always fluttered as our lips met.

"What was that for?" Stiles asked, out of breath.

"It's just something I had to do" I whispered and he looked at me with a half curious half suspicious face.  I forced a smile onto my lips to give him false reassurance.

"I love you Derek" he smiled softly and I felt my heart tearing as each word left his soft pink lips.

"I love you too Stiles" he mumbled through trembling lips.  With that, Stiles turned around and I watched as he faded into his body, and I felt one small tear slip out of the corner of my eye, and burn it's way down my cheek.  I really do love you Stiles....


Hey guys, so here is Chapter 26.  Hope you guys enjoyed and I'm going to try and update again real soon!  Thank you all for reading!  ^_^

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