Chapter 12

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I hated seeing the look of pain on Stiles face as they rolled his dad away into the vastness of the hospital while we were left to worry in the waiting room.  Tears were rolling down Stiles cheeks and he was almost hyperventilating.

"Oh god Derek" he cried in an exasperated tone and I wrapped my arms around him protectively and he clung to me, almost afraid to let go.

"Everything's going to be okay Stiles" I cooed and kissed him on the top of his head.

"And what if it isn't Derek, what if he... he" Stiles got all choked up, not able to say what he wanted to.  I knew what he was going to say though, he was going to say what if he dies.  I looked into that all too familiar expression on his face.  It was the same one I wore when I found out I had lost my whole family in the fire.  I couldn't let Stiles lose the only person he had left.

"He's not gone yet Stiles, your dad is a strong man" I said in a reassuring tone as I squeezed him tightly to me.  Stiles just began to sob into my chest and I let him, I knew how scared and hurt he was.

"It's just like my mom" he mumbled into my chest and I felt my heart sink for him.



I was five, just trying to get to sleep but I couldn't.  Mom always read me a book before I went to bed but she wasn't home in time tonight.  In fact she wasn't home even now and it was almost midnight.  I rolled over squeezing the stuffed lion she had bought me, to my chest.

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard my dad freaking out down stairs.  I quickly made my way down stairs to find my dad almost in tears leaning against the wall.

"What's wrong daddy?" I asked in an upset tone.

"Uh, we, uh, we have to go somewhere Stiles" dad stated in a soft but shaky tone.

"Where's momma?" I asked curiously.  Dad's eyes got watery and he took a deep breath.

"She isn't feeling very well, we have to go check on her" He explained.  I cocked my head to the side as I looked up at him.

"Momma's sick?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, now get your coat on and we'll go help her, ok" he offered and I nodded my head as I slid my arms into the sleeves of the jacket.


Once we got to the hospital I was very confused.  Why is momma going to the hospital if she is just sick.  Maybe she knew there was doctors here.

"Where momma?" I asked dad in a curious tone.

"She's-" he started but was cut off by a nurse.

"Mr. Stilinski, can I talk to you for a moment?" the nurse asked and dad walked me over to the nurse.

"The injuries your wife received in the crash were fatal.  We did everything in our power to save her, but she's... she passed away" the nurse explained and I had no idea what she meant.  All of that was a bunch of gibberish to me.  I looked over to see my dad's whole face crumple, his shoulders sink, and he let out a huge sob.

"What's wrong daddy?" I asked confused.  My dad just gave me a pained look before he bent down and pulled me into his arms, not saying a word.


I woke with a start, not realizing I had fallen asleep.  I was sprawled across Derek's lap and part of the hospital chair.  I whipped my head around the room in search of my dad but he was nowhere in sight.  So my dad's heart attack wasn't a nightmare.

Slowly Fading book 2 (sterek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora