Chapter 27

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I woke up with a big gasping breath and shot up into a sitting position.  Scott was quick to hurry over to me in a flurry.  Scott's hands were flying all over me as if trying to reassure himself that this was actually happening, that I was actually back.

"Stiles" he choked out in a relieved hiccup as he pulled me into a tight hug.  I hugged him back just as tight before we pulled apart.

"Where's Derek?" I asked frantically as I shot out of bed, but that was a horrible idea because the wound from the glass reared its ugly head causing me to groan in pain.  No one said anything, so I pushed past them to find Deaton still working on Derek's body like I had seen back in the ghost plain, but Derek was still unconscious.

"W-why isn't he back?!  He told me he was coming back!" I cried as I ran panicked hands through my tousled hair.

"I'm trying my best Stiles, but" Deaton stated in a sullen voice.  I clamped my teeth down on my bottom lip in worry, almost drawing blood.

"Wake the fuck up Derek, you promised!" I yelled at Derek's limp body and slammed my fist into the table that I had just been laying on.  I rested my elbows next to Derek's figure and buried my face into my hands, on the verge of tears.

"Stiles" Scott whispered as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I can't lose him Scott" I murmured "I can't lose him."  Scott let out a sad sigh as he pulled me into a tight hug and I just lost it.  The tears finally slipped from my eyes and my body was shaking violently.

You know that feeling, where it just feels as if everything is falling out from underneath you.  Like everything is collapsing around you and there is literally nothing you can do.  I had no way of saving one of the most important people in my life and I hated it.

I pulled out of Scott's grip as I turned back around to face Derek's body.  I reached out with a shaky hand and rested it on Derek's firm chest.

"Derek, please don't leave me.  I love you Derek and I can't lose you" I whimpered "Please just come back to me."  I buried my face into Derek's now stitched up chest, but I could hear his heart beat getting fainter and fainter.  Please don't leave me.....


It pained me to see Stiles freaking out over the fact that I wasn't coming back.  I'd never seen him as upset as he is now, screaming and yelling... and crying.

My shoulders sank and I wanted more than anything, to comfort him right now.  I just wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him everything was going to be okay.  Though I knew that it wasn't... that I couldn't.  I was gone, and I wasn't coming back.

"Derek, he needs you" Claudia whispered "don't you see that?"

"Of course I see that Claudia, but what do you expect me to do" I snapped regretfully as I saw her face fall slightly "I already new I was a goner the moment I left Deaton's clinic in this stupid ghost plain..... my link to my body is already severed."

I watched Stiles as he buried his face into my bare chest.  His body was racking with sobs and I hated being helpless to do anything.

"Please don't leave me" I heard Stiles whisper, almost inaudibly, and I don't even think that Stiles realized that he'd said the words aloud.  Those four words hit me like a dagger in my heart.

I was running away.  I was running away from the pain.  I was running away from the Horror.  I was running away from Stiles.  Normally I'd say that the pain and horror are worth staying with Stiles for, but when it starts effecting him is when I draw the line.  I wouldn't be able to take it if he were to get hurt because of me.

"But you're hurting him by just giving up Derek" Claudia whispered, and it was then that I realized that I had spoken the words aloud.

"Claudia, if you cared about your son then you'd just agree that he is better off without me" I mumbled "even if I did have a choice to go back."

"I'd beg to differ Derek" she countered.

"Just open your eyes and you'd see" I let out in a strangled cry "without me he can have a semi normal life.  He can grow up, graduate high school.  Get a job and have a family without ever having to watch his back because his boyfriend has gone off and done something stupid."

"Maybe he would have to watch his back with you" Claudia offered "but it wouldn't be because you'd done something stupid.  It be because you were doing the right thing, despite the consequences, and even so.  Everyone makes mistakes Derek, it's only human.  All I know is that you'd take a bullet for my son, and so would he for you.  I couldn't imagine anyone better for him than you."

"Adding to that I've seen how you change him Derek" she continued "Before Stiles met you, he was a broken mess bottled up inside a sarcastic exterior.... but you make him confident.  You give him the strength to show his true colors, and you know what Derek, he makes you show yours too.  So even if it's the last thing I do, I'm going to give you back to him." 

With that, Claudia grabbed onto both of my shoulders and shoved me toward my body, but her image was fading quick.  My heart was beating quickly, what is she doing.

"Claudia, no" I cried.

"Derek, I've stayed around the ghost plain for quite long enough.  It's time I used my essence and moved on" she sighed "I care about you Derek, and I care about Stiles.  I don't belong in the ghost plain anymore, and neither do you.  Goodbye Derek."

"Claudia!" I cried, but was soon shooting up into a sitting position on the table, gasping for breath.  I turned to see a shocked and awestruck Stiles standing beside me.

"Derek" Stiles gasped with tears gathering in his eyes as he lunged forward and buried me in a hug "don't you ever fucking do that to me again asshole."  I chuckled at his words as I hugged him tight to my chest, loving the feeling of having him in my arms once again.

Claudia had staying in the ghost plain for so long, watching over Stiles and Allison.  Now she had decided to move on, using the last of her strength to bring me back.  It was quite humbling really.  I never thought anyone other than Stiles could truly care for me after my mother died, but she said that she cared about me right to my face.  I can't even explain how amazing that felt.

"I love you Stiles" I murmured as I buried my face into his hair, drinking in his scent.

"I love you too Derek" Stiles whispered "I love you so much......."


Hey guys, so here is Chapter 27 of Slowly Fading.  So I think I'm going to do an epilogue next, I know sad haha, but the good news is, the Sterek story that you guys may have voted for a few weeks ago, is actually going to be a sequel to this one.

It is going to be based a couple years in the future when Stiles is about 19 or 20, but that is all I'm going to say.  I don't really want to spoil anything.  So if you want to know what happens, your going to have to read the next book, after I post the epilogue of course, haha.  Anyway, Teen Wolf is on tonight and I am freaking out, but anyway, that's about it guys!  ^_^

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