Chad and Fiore Part 4

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Fiore's heart felt like it had been ripped from her chest as realization hit her.  She'd have to end it.  It had already gone too far.  With shaking hands Fiore phoned Ian.

"Clear you schedule for tonight."

"Alright, but why?"

"Because Chad is going to need you."

"Fiore, what did you do?"

"It's what I'm about to do." Fiore answered, forcing herself to take a steadying breath to keep the tears at bay.  "I have to end it."


"I'm just hurting him.  I'm dragging him down to my level.  And I won't make a monster out of him."

"What?  What are you talking about?  Making a monster?  What's that even mean?"

"We both know how good Chad is."


"And we both know of my lack of morals and scruples."

"Well, yes."

"What did we both know would happen?"

Ian sighed.  "Fiore, it doesn't have to-"

"Ian, he sacrificing his morals.  He's being dragged down to my level.  That is what will happen if we stay together.  That or I will completely destroy him.  I have to end it."

Ian was quiet for a long moment.  He heard the emotion in her voice.  "You love him too, don't you?"

Fiore was quiet for a long moment this time.  "That question doesn't even matter.  Just be there for him, okay?"

"He loves you too, you know."

"Ian, don't remind me.  I already know I'm going to have to rip his heart out of his chest and spit on it.  Don't make this harder for me.  Just take care of him for me."

"I'll do that, I'll be sending Christine your way too."

"You don't have to, but thank you."

"You don't have to go through everything alone.  Let me know if you need me." 

"Thank you, Ian."

Fiore hung up and wrapped her arms around herself as a few tears escaped.  She had broken her rule and fallen in love.  It was dangerous and illogical and ended up hurting everyone.  Love wasn't something Fiore could afford.

Fiore hated herself in that moment.  She texted Chad to come over.  She needed to make this quick.  Fiore wiped at her eyes and touched up her makeup. 

When Chad got there, he was brought to her study.  "Hey." Chad smiled.

Fiore gave him a tight lipped smile back.  "Hey."

Chad frowned.  "What's up?"

Fiore shook her head.  "Would you care for a drink?"

"I'm fine.  Fi, what's going on?"

"Chad," Fiore sighed.  "You should know that what we've been doing, it has to stop."

"What do you mean?"

"We're finished.  No more casual sex.  No more of us sneaking around.  We can still be friends but nothing more."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Breaking up implies we were together in the first place." Fiore said coldly.  She saw the hurt cross his face, but kept her face in a mask of indifference.  She took a sip of her scotch to buy herself some time.

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