William Matthews Part 2

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Fiore and Will had communicated regularly since they'd met in New York.  A fact her father was less than pleased about.  After all, she'd just left the party, abandoned a £1000 dress, and been galavanting around the city with this boy.

In typical Fiore fashion, she did whatever she wanted anyway.  "Ian, if either of our fathers ask, I'm with you."

"Fi, if you're not with me when they ask, doesn't that raise a few questions?"

"Then avoid them." Fiore rolled her eyes. "Besides you owe me."

"This is a bad idea."

"No, it's a brilliant idea so long as no one messes it up." Fiore warned.  "He's only in town tonight.  Who knows the next time I might see him?"

"Just, be careful Fi.  You're not yourself around him."

"Oh hush, it'll be fine Ian.  Thanks for covering." Fiore snuck out of the palace and hailed a cab.  Her friend Chad had helped her since his family ran hotels and she was meeting Will in the lobby.  When she got there, Fiore had to catch her breath.  Will had gotten more handsome.  He was taller, more filled out than when they'd first met nearly four months ago.

Will reaction was similar to Fiore's. He felt like all the air had been forced out of him. How had she gotten more beautiful?  She was hotter than she'd been a few months ago.  There was something more alluring, something sweeter, something sexier.

"Well, aren't you going to say hello?" Fiore demanded.

"Yeah, hi." Will opened his arms.  "Well, come here."  Fiore let him hug her and it was awkward for her.  She wasn't used to being held.  "Since I showed you New York, you should show me London."

"Okay, but we may need to duck out of sight.  Technically, I'm not supposed to be here.  And I'm definitely not supposed to be with you."

"And yet here you are."

"I am Fiore.  I do what I want."

"Why can't you be with me?"

"Because of New York.  My father seems to think you'd be a bad influence."

Will shrugged.  "Depends on what you consider bad." He shot her a charming smile. "I can be very, very good." He whispered in Fiore's ear, and she shivered. 

"Come on." Fiore grabbed his hand and led him out.  She had dressed down, but still encased her legs in dark designer jeans, a tank top with the English flag sequined across the middle and dark sunglasses.

"You look ridiculous wearing those sunglasses."

"And your face looks ridiculous, but you didn't see me pointing that out."

"Ridiculously sexy."

"You're not as ugly as you used to be, but sexy isn't the right word." Fiore dismissed, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach and they way her heart kept fluttering.

"You're a terrible liar." Will breathed in her ear as his arm snaked around her waist.  "You've been thinking about me constantly, haven't you?"

Fiore rolled her eyes.  "Someone's got an overinflated ego and sense of self importance."

Will raised an eyebrow.  "Still as feisty as ever."

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