Chapter 4:Maybe I like being insulted~

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Harry’s POV:

It had been two weeks since my encounter with Allison and I was starting to think that chance wasn’t on my side.  My mind was starting to realize it was possibly the most stupid thing I’ve ever done.  Putting everything on chance was extremely risky but it seemed it was the only way to get her to even remotely pay attention to me.  I was captivated by her the moment my eyes landed on her.  She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous but at the same time she didn’t seem to give two shits about who you were, if she didn’t like you she would make it clear…and I liked it.

“What are you thinking about lover boy?”  Being pulled out of my thought process my eyes flickered up to Louis’ amused ones.

“How I’m going to get you back for putting purple hair dye in my shampoo.”  I sneered back at him.  The little fucker changed my shampoo with purple hair dye.  Luckily I hadn’t used a lot, but that still didn’t stop it from leaving random streaks of purple in my hair.

“Oh, feisty Harry’s here.”  Winking up at me he turned around only to run straight into Niall resulting in his food going everywhere on the floor.  Oh, here we go.

“NO!!”  Niall screamed before dramatically dropping on the floor beside his fallen food.

“Louis what the hell! Oh no…my precious food.”  I swear food was like a long lost childhood friend to him or something.  He was absolutely mental.

“I’m so sorry Nialler!”  Being as dramatic as he possibly could his knees dropped down beside Niall and grabbing onto him he started sobbing.  Rolling my eyes I quickly got up off the couch and walked towards the both of them.

“Let’s just go out and eat then yeah?”  Both of their heads snapped up immediately and simultaneously a wicked grin pulled up at the corner of their lips.

“Wooo! This could possibly be the best day of my entire life.”  Louis proceeded to run around the living room as if he had just found out he was going to meet the bloody queen or something.  

“Yeah, yeah can we go it’s almost 6 already.”  I asked more impatiently then I had planned which resulted in Louis stopping dead in his tracks.

“Aww is little Harry upset because a girl doesn’t like him.”  He replied speaking like a four year old.  What an absolute twat.

“Shut it, Lou.”  Widening his eyes he was about to speak up when Liam butted in.

“Harry, why does this girl mean so much to you?  You’ve met her twice and both times she’s made it clear from what I’ve heard that she doesn’t want anything to do with you.”  Damn him.  He always needs to be the sensible one doesn’t he.

“I-I honestly don’t know Liam.”  Sighing he walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

“Just, give it up Harry…there will be tons of other girls.” Nodding my head slightly I couldn’t help but think ‘yeah, but I only want her.’  They’ve never met her before there’s just something so utterly intriguing about her, almost like I need to know her. Then again it has been two weeks, maybe I just wasn’t meant to know her.

“I’m sorry for snapping at you Lou.”  Smirking up at him the exact replica of my smirk was soon seen on his face.

“It’s okay Haz…now let’s go eat before Niall starts eating random furniture to fulfill his hunger.”  Letting out an obnoxious laugh we made our way out of the apartment we were renting for the time being.  In a matter of five minutes we were all sitting in the car and on our way out.

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