Chapter 5:Top Secret~

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Allison’s POV:

Late. Late. Late, that’s what I was going to be if I didn’t hurry the hell up. 

“Where you going Al?”  Charlotte was typing away on her phone as she sat on the edge of my bed.

“One of my professors called and said she needed to talk to me right away.”  Pulling on the nearest clothing I could find my hands grabbed the nearest purse.

“Oh, what about?”  Slipping on a pair of high heels I was already half way down the stairs when I decided to reply to her.

“Donno, she was being top secret about it.  Tell you later.” 

Swiftly opening the door I was met by the one and only Harry Styles standing shocked as his right hand was in mid air ready to knock.  Taking one look at how annoyingly and inconveniently cute he looked I let out a quick sigh.   My mind was briefly distracted trying to soak in his appearance until I questioned how the hell he had found my apartm- that little bitch.

“Charlotte!”  I screeched hastily walking back up the staircase not even bothering to acknowledge that Harry was still standing frozen on the middle of the tacky ‘Welcome’ mat my parents had picked out.

“Yes babe?”  Walking into her bedroom only to find it empty my feet quickly changed pace until I spotted the betrayer.  I shouldn’t even bloody call her by her first name anymore; it should just be the betrayer.  Hell, it has a nice ring to it.

“You’re an idiot.”  Looking up at me shocked as if she hadn’t done anything, her hands immediately dropped the toothpaste into the sink as she raised her hands to surrender.

“Why the bloody hell is Harry Styles standing mid knock at our front door?’  Acknowledgement crossed her features quickly replaced with a triumphant smirk.

“imayormaynothavestolenhisnumberfromyourphoneandthentextedhimtocomeover.”  Rolling my eyes I was fully prepared to start using violence on her…surely that would get the point across.

“Look you need a ride to the school anyways.”  Looking at her confused my arms folded gently in front of me.

“Uh, I have a car?”  Blinking up at me as if she had only realized it herself, it took all of 4 seconds before she bolted down the stairs. 

“What ar-“  My feet picked up speed as the motivations of my best friend became clear.  Not paying attention to where I was going I bumped directly into the devil herself causing me to stumble backwards.

“Ali here needs a ride to her school, she has to pick up a top secret folder.”  Brushing myself off, and trying to act as if that hadn’t just happened I stepped in front of Char to be met with a very confused looking Harry.

“I’m sorry, she’s dyslexic.  I have a car.” Opening his mouth to speak, Charlotte spoke up interrupting whatever was about to leave his lips.

“Actually she doesn’t have a car, and it would be oh so lovely if you could give her a lift.”  Squinting my eyes at her, I wasn’t exactly sure what she was trying to get at.

“She didn’t take her pills this morning…she’s a bit confused.  Come on Sally, time to lay down for a nap.”  Perhaps I could swing the whole mental patient thing now that she was truly acting crazy. 

“I can take you, it’s no problem at all.”  Freezing in my spot, Charlotte had suddenly clapped her hands together like a freaken four year old would before turning towards me. 

“That’s wonderful, why don’t you wait outside while Allison get’s her things.”  Harry stood evidently confused as both my purse, and my phone were in my hands indicating I was ready.

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