Chapter 8:I'm not in Kansas anymore.~

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Allison's POV:

Music blasted through the speakers, as soon as my feet hit the floor of the club. Turning towards Carson fury immediately overcame me.

“What the hell, you told me we were going out for dinner.”  Snaking his arm around my waist he roughly pulled me against him.

“You are the dinner sweetheart.”  Roughly pushing him off me, he stepped forwards anger in his eyes.

“Carson?!” Twirling around I was met with someone I could go my entire life without seeing again.

“Nick how are you buddy!” Patting him on the back his gaze slowly drifted back to me, looking me up and down with his eyes.

“Alice…you’re looking good.” Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at this guy, I sent a stiff smile in his direction.

“The boys are all here, you should come say hi.” Slightly tugging on Carson’s arm trying to indicate to him that the last thing I wanted to do was go over there, he swiftly pulled his arm out from underneath my grip.

“Sure, come on pretty girl.” Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but feel completely betrayed, here I was naïve enough to think that maybe just once he would do something nice for me; but here I am again left disappointed.

“Come on.” Standing my ground, my arms swiftly crossed over my chest.  He knew how uncomfortable being around Nick and his friends made me, yet he still didn’t seem to give a shit.

“Fine, then stay here.” He growled, swiftly pushing past me.

“Don’t leave me!” I tried to yell after him, but his sandy blonde hair was already lost in the crowd. 

Never had I felt more uncomfortable then how I was feeling right now.  The club was mostly filled with belligerently drunk frat boys, who were scanning the room as if they were targeting their next prey.

“Pathetic yeah?”  Jumping in my spot, I slowly turned to my right to be met with a blue-eyed, brown haired mystery man.  Nodding my head not wanting to give him the wrong idea in the slightest.

“Care for a drink?”  Biting the bottom of my lip, I quickly shook my head.

“Not drinking tonight.”  Letting out a deep laugh, it had almost startled me to the point where I considered walking away from this conversation all together.

“How about a glass of water then?” Scanning the dance floor, Carson of course was nowhere to be bloody found. 

Weighing in my options, I quickly decided I had two solid ones.

        1)   I could sit a the bar with mystery man, have a glass of water, maybe even have a nice       conversation…and he might try to get with me.

       2)   I wonder aimlessly around, searching for Carson, only to be led directly where I didn’t want to go in the first place, and get hit on by all of his creepy ass friends.

Taking one last look at the stranger in front of me, I hesitantly nodded my head.  Leading the way, he sat down at the bar signaling that he wanted two drinks.

“So what’s your name?”  His dark green eyes bore into mine with the utmost curiosity, but all that was running through my mind was that Harry’s were a much softer, inviting shade of green then this guy’s was.

“Brooke.” Not wanting him to know my actual name, I came up with something not even remotely close.  Scanning my eyes around the dance floor they immediately froze upon a sight that had me absolutely enraged.  Carson was making out with some random girl who was grinding up on him like it was nobodies business. The absolute fucking nerve.  Turning towards the mystery man my mouth immediately turned into a smirk.

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