Chapter 2 The friend

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I turned a corner where my house and mother was awaiting me. As I turned the corner by the big bush two kids were expecting me."Finally," said the tallest one. He wore a plaid shirt with jeans that were neatly ironed. His face was stern yet his position seemed harmless. His greasy black hair match perfectly with his pale/ tan skin. My instinct was to run, yet my gut said to stay. Plus his sea green eyes were insisting too.

He showed his white stunning smile when he saw I wasn't screaming for my life. I actually just stood there awaiting for a response. " Oh, sorry," he said finally breaking the ice. "I watched you walk to school this morning."

"What?" I said. My face felt out of site. It burned of embarrassment. "No... no.. no you .. I meant that I saw you walk to school."His face lit up. "I'm your new neighbor,"he said trying to start fresh.
"I saw you walk to your school and you dropped this." He handled a navy blue bag that had been around the shoulder of the younger boy.He then opened the flap and picked up my English binder.

He took the binder and extended his arm toward me. My heart thumped faster than ever. Never had I seen this act of kindness. My heart also felt warn, like it had been resting by an open fire awaiting for the next destiny.
I exhaled when I saw the sun reaching the mountains way. So, I reached for the binder."Thank you," I said. My face was still on fire when I gently grabbed the binder.

He smiled again and quickly responded. " How rude of me," he said
embarrassed. "My name is Jack,and this is my little brother Andy." He pulled the smaller kid that stood behind him in between us. The little boy stood smiling at me so wide, I thought his mouth was going to fall off.

I gave a little smile, and the boy almost fainted. He made it look like I was an angel. I looked up at Jack and his whole face was red."Well.....," I said.
" I should get going, thanks for my binder." I walked around them and walked up the side walk.

When I arrived to the cold brick house
a shiver went up my spine. The dark and cold bottomless place just stood there, waiting to consume me. I swiftly moved up the front porch stairs. The endless creaking of those wooden stair annoyed me every day. Oh, the pain it gave my hearing that.

I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed a cold old key. I felt the ridges of the side and put it in the lock. My hands shook as I turned the key. I knew  she would be there. Awaiting me to come in and explain the wonderful yet horrible reason. The lost opaque feeling inside me burns. Every day I come home to this mess of a life.

I turned the door knob and the door went ajar. The smell of a dead marine life filled the air. Scenting the whole house. I gagged and covered my nose.
I trotted into the kitchen and met my mom." Hi sweetie,"she said. "This is weird mom what's going on?" I looked around the corner in the dinning  room. It was neatly prepared with two candles in the center. "Oh sweetie, I forgot to tell you."

"You know the guy I've been seeing?"
"Yeah?" I answered. "Well he's coming for dinner." "Really?" I said starting to feel sorrow. My true dad had past away in the military. He was very brave and kind with a huge heart. He loved my mom. I put my head down in anger and pain. "Ok,"I said. Well I'm going to my room.

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