Chapter 5 The start of it all

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When I looked up at the boy we both made eye contact and gave each other a friendly smile. There was a moment of silence and that's when I looked away, but he kept staring at me.
The other students finally caught on that we knew each other,and started to stare at me. Then the pressure started to build and my face turned red.

"Please take your seat Jack," the friendly teacher said. She gestured her hand to an open desk right by me.....

Of course, I thought.

He shuffled over and set his stuff down on the desk. He then glanced over and gave me a happy look,and waved.

After the boring lecture on geometry
we went out into the hall to go to our next class. I squeezed by some people who pushed and shoved then entered my science class. Oh how I love science it was the only class that I could work alone and be the smartest.

I sat down at my lab table and got ready for our next experiment.
As I was in my train of thought, my teacher Mr.Coil started to talk.
"Ok guys there's a new student so be nice," as he said that I couldn't believe it. Jack walked in and waved at me again.

"Jack," the teacher said. "You will be sitting next to Rachel if you don't mind.
I looked down at the empty seat beside me and swallowed down my vomit.
I looked up toward the sky and said to myself,"really God?"

Jack took a seat and got to work right away. I looked back down at my paper,then looked up at him again.
He had a little smile on the side of his face that I knew wasn't going to go away.

After my second block I went to lunch.
I got in the lunch line and guess who was right behind me. Yep... ,it was Jack.

"Hi Rachel,"he said. "Hi,"I answered trying to look interested. "Hey, did u know we have every block together?"

"Wait really?"as I said that I thought in my head how am I going to survive through the year.

"Yessiree," he said confidently. "And can you imagine were neighbors to?"
"Im so excited!" " How bout you?"he questioned.

"Ooooh I know you would be!"

As we got our food I started out of the lunch room. "Where you going,"he asked.
"Upstairs,"I said like it was the most obvious thing.
"Oh well can I co-"
Right before he finished a big kid named John came out of the blue.
"Well looky here!" Why it's only a week and we already have fresh meat.

I was about to warn Jack but the bully did something unexpected. He walked up to me. "Why I haven't seen you before."

My eyes grew wide as I said,"well I've been here for two years!"

"Is that sass I here little missy?"

"Only if you want to!" I complained.

Oh.... It's on!!!!

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