Chapter 4 Not the life I wanted

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My heart felt jammed,like at any second I could have a heart attack.
It was September 3rd, and my mom was going over the wedding they would be having.
How could she do this so fast? How life would be with some one to love...

"Mom?" I asked in a sweet voice.
"Yes?"she said scrolling through a wedding dress magazine. "Would it be fine if I a.... um.. boyfriend?"

"Of course!"
"Why do you have one?" her head peered up from the book and looked at me joyfully.
"No..." I said feeling half hope in my soul.
"Well you better get going to school," she looked back down at the magazine
and shook her head.

" No wonder....., who wants to be with a low life like you.
The words hit me like a stone wall crushing everything I had.
She had never spoken that way to me ever.

Her eyes met mine and a little grin appeared on her face."Who would ever be with you?" That dictating plain brown hair? Your dumb hazel eyes?
"Huh," she laughed.
"No wonder you have no friends, your personality is all dried up too,with that
ugly tan skin.

My heart snapped yet anger didn't fill me up, disappointment did. I was disappointed to have a mother that talked to me this way. Disappointed to not have some one love me.

Darkness filled me up as I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. As I walked to school I could still hear the evil laugh that poured from her mouth, and it stabbed me like a knife still being twisted inside.
Scraping the nerves that surrounded it, making the veins tear and spew crimson all over.

I was wounded and had to heal.

When I arrived at the school I got there just in time. I rushed to my locker and grabbed my stuff shoving the rest into it.
As I sat in my home room the teacher introduced a new student. "Class this is

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