Chapter 6 The "fight"

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He ran up to me, as I froze in place.
His face had so much anger that it looked like he was going to kill me. My eyes grew big as he put a sly smile on his face.I'm going to die! I said in my head.Instead he stopped and put out his hand.
"I want you to be part of my group,"he said.
My body melted."Your what?"
" I have a group that hangs out with me and we do some fun stuff,ya know?.."

"Um," I said looking back at Jack.
His face was so still and he gave me a quick look that made him say no.

But before I said no, anger started to grow on me. Your dad died, your mom remarried, she yelled at you, got a new annoying neighbor, and he's in all your classes!!!!

"Sure,"I said.

"Great,"he replied."I'm looking forward in seeing you, you are very.....brave," he said confidently.

"Now for your initiation were going to do something really fun."

"What are we going to do?"I asked.
"We're going to-, um can u tell that nerd to give us some space?"
I turned around and stared at Jack awaiting him to go away.

"Oh,um, ok I'll just be over here then...," he walked down by a table that was at the end of the lunch room and gave me a sad yet happy smile,then sat down.

The bully grabbed my shoulder and spoke in a whisper. "You know the house on the corner of,"Demon,road?"

"Yeah,"I said still wondering. The one where most of the sign was scratched out?

"Yeah, the red house, meet me in the back of it and twelve o'clock.

"Why?"I asked.

"'s a surprise.he answered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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