Axl Rose for WAxlRose

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You sat on the couch watching The Outsiders, using your cat, Sam, as a replacement for your boyfriend Axl. He had been on tour for over six months now, and hadn't had time to visit. You were beginning to feel unloved. Your mind tried to not ponder over the thought that he could have met some else. Part of you felt as though you could have been forgotten. He was Axl Rose for God's sake and could have any girl he wanted in the matter of seconds. Tears began to stream down your face and within a minute you were full out ugly crying. Words couldn't not describe how much you missed him. You were overwhelmed with melancholy and morose sadness. You sook comfort in your cat and stroked it's back as the movie credits flashed before your eyes. You didn't notice someone opening the door and entering your apartment until you felt someone's arms wrap around you.
"A- Axl...?" You choked through your tears. After turning around and facing the ravishing strawberry blonde to whom you loved dearly, the frown upon your face was replaced with a eager smile. Your sobs turned into tears of Jubilance and celebration upon seeing him.
"Axl!!!" You yelled this time with radiance.
He pecked your lips with soft and gentle, yet passionate kisses.
"What's the matter Y/N...?" He says in between the kisses.
Part of you wanted to say that it was the movie, but Axl would know better.
"I missed you. That's all" You say as he draws you into a hug.
"Oh, Y/N. I did too." He pats your back in a circular motion, comforting you.
Your cat began to meow in protest, as it was squished between you and him. At this you and Axl responded with lighthearted laughter.
You loved him so much, although he caused so much trouble sometimes and could be a arrogant asshole, but even then your love for him was eternal. It was during these soft, sensitive moments like these where you learned that he loved you back.

How is it? I used the song Tangerine by Led Zeppelin because I think it accurately represents the situation. I really hope you enjoyed! WAxlRose

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