Chris Cornell for @staley_bread

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Baby Daddy

You awoke at approximately six a.m., with a uneasy and queasy feeling in your stomach. You knew exactly what was going to happen, you threw up, again. It had been a common occurrence over the past few days.
Your boyfriend Chris had been absent for the past week, as he was recording an album with his band, Soundgarden in Los Angles. He had called you every day to make sure you were okay. You hadn't told him about your morning sickness and the fact that you missed your period. You were afraid it would distract him from his work.
You were watching MTV when the thought dawned on you; what if you were pregnant...?You broke out into hysterics as you pondered the thought more and more.
You had been craving a abnormal amount of food, you were fatigued and had frequent headaches and back pain.
You were beyond petrified. Thousands of thoughts raced through your head.
What if you weren't a good Mom? What if Chris leaves you? What will your parents say?
You needed to stop, you thought. You don't know for sure if you're even pregnant. You decided to call your best friend, y/b/f/n, for advice. She was married to Dave Grohl, the Nirvana drummer, and had two kids. She would know.

"Hello, this is y/b/f/n Grohl speaking, how my I help you?" Your best friend asks over the phone.
"It me!! Y/N!!" You said in shock, as you were surprised that your best friend of ten years hadn't memorized your phone number.
"Sup, loser!"
"" You pause as you collect your thoughts. "Y/b/f/n, I think I'm pregnant...."
"Does Chris know?" She questions.
You nod your head, but then you realize your on the phone and she can't see you.
"I'll be there in a few" She says then hangs up.
"Oh shit." You say as you look down at the pregnancy test. It was positive. You were going to be a Mom. Part of you wanted to jump for joy while the other part of you wanted to jump off a cliff. You where overwhelmed by the mixed emotions you were feeling.
"What's it say?" Your best friend yells through the door.
You open the door and tell her the news.
"I'm going to be an aunt!!" She yells running around your house in an effort of celebration. Her actions cease as she sees the expression of uncertainty upon your face.
"Hey... It's okay... don't be scared." She pauses as she collected words to say.
"You remember when I found out I was pregnant, right? You remember how much of a hot mess I was? But look, everything will be alright, look at me for example."
You smile. Y/B/F/N was the greatest friend you could ever ask for. You don't know what you would do without her.
It had been a day since you found out. You had finally gathered up the courage to tell Chris. You dialed his number on the phone and apprehensively waited. He had called twice since then but you were still too nervous to tell him.
"Y/N!! Darling are you okay?
"Chris... I need to tell you something."
You felt so overwrought, as though you were swimming in a sea of your fears and a wave of anxiety had drowned you.
"Your going to be a Dad."
You heard angsty silence fill the phone for a good ten seconds. You began to bite your nails out of fear. That was until he responded.
"I'm going to be a Dad?! Y/N, I'm so happy! I love you so much! This is amazing!"
You couldn't help but giggle at how adorably childlike his response was. You swore you would marry that man one day. He was the most phenomenal thing that has ever happened to you. Your woeful fears were replaced with enthusiasm and you couldn't help but feel in love with Chris, your baby daddy.
staley_bread i hope you like it!

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