Sean Kinney for staley_bread

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You were childhood friends with Alice In Chains singer, Layne Staley. He had invited you to go to one of their shows at The Paramount in Seattle. After their stupendous performance was over, you made your way backstage. You showed the security guard your pass and tried your best to maneuver around and find him. Your actions were ceased when you bumped into a man with dark brown hair and eyes that matched.
You didn't have time to apologize before the man spoke.
"Y/N, right? I'm Sean, the drummer. I suppose you're looking for Layne?" He ceasingly introduced himself. You were impressed by his confidence and control over the situation.
You nodded your head to answer affirmatively to the abundance of question directed towards you.
"Sorry..." You murmured quietly. You felt as though you had magnified the gaucherie of the situation by a thousand.
"Okay, follow me." Sean said appearing to not have heard you, to your delight.
You followed him to a room where Layne and the other members of the band were.
Sean's P.O.V
Layne was right. Y/N was gorgeous. How could anyone not be fathomed with an immense infatuation with her? Her y/e/c eyes shined brighter than the stars, and her y/h/c hair laced around her shoulders perfectly framing her body. She was easily the most alluring girl he had ever seen. He watched her engage in conversation with the band as the night went on and sometimes joined in himself. She perplexed and mesmerized him. He adored her.
Y/N's P.O.V
As the night drew to an end, as the conversation began to simmer down and as the laughter was replaced with yawns, you decided that you needed to go.
"Well, I think I'm going to head on guys. Thank you for inviting me, it was a pleasure to see you and I hope I'll see you soon" you say giving the guys a hug.
When you hugged Sean you saw Layne give him a death glare, like the others you had seen thrown In between the pair throughout the night. You wondered what that was about.
"Bye Y/N, see you later!" Jerry and Layne yell in unison.
"Bye!!" You walk out the door and find your way outside of the venue.
Your brain was begging you to have a nicotine fix so you took a cigarette out of your purse, sat down on the bench and smoked it.
You became encapsulated in your thoughts and were only drawn out of them when Sean stormed out the door.
"Oh... Hey Y/N." He says glumly.
"Hey! What's wrong?"
"Nothing- just, um.... ugh. Never mind. Would you like me to walk you home?"
You agreed to his offer, considering you lived only a block away.
As you arrived at your apartment, you thanked Sean and exchanged numbers. You talked about lots of things, and somehow you didn't goof  it up. You were surprised he was being so kind to you, it was nice. You wondered if he was flirting with you, as Layne was earlier in the evening. You arranged that you would meet again tomorrow at Starbucks for coffee. You could help but feel excited and foresightful.

staley_bread I hope you like it!! The song is And I Love Her by The Beatles. I think it describes how Sean was describing you somewhat.

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