Everything will not be ok

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I woke up with a cold sweat running down my face. Beside me sat Akira. He his eyes never leaving me... he slowly caressed my cheek I tried to speak bit my voice would not come..." I gave you yo medicine before you fell asleep. Now it's time for you to start explaining things..." he stated handing me a peice of paper.. " everything will be alright I'll be here nomatter what. " he whispered as I hesitantly started to write.

It happened when I was little. I had and older sister and brother. I was the youngest out of us three...

~ flashback explaining story ~

" haru!! Where are you??? " I hid behind up in a tree giggling to myself. This will surly scare the wits out of my brother and sister.. " I'm up here!!" I yelled and my sisters scream followed. I looked down to see my brother half way up the tree. My smile soon turned to a frown... my brother, a boy scared of bugs and avoided danger climbing a tree.. doing something he's never done before.. slowly he made it up to where I was.. he was shaking and he could barley make his sentences.. " Haru what are you doing up here? Lokking for birds?? They won't be back until spring... " he spoke with kindness pushing away his fears.. he reached for my hand. Our breaths cm ing out in puffs of fog.. his kind smile suddenly overtaken with a look of fear as we hear the branch under us breaking.. in a blur of movement, u was wrapped in my brothers arms and we were dexwndinf down to the snow covered ground.. I screamed as he hugged me tighter and we hit the ground. The snow indenting the place where we fell. My brothers arm limb he smiles . " that was fun but let's not do it anymore ok little Haru?? " he smiles as tears filled my eyes... he hugged me with his one good arm.. our sister screaming for daddy.

I was scolded that night by father and sister hated me.. father already dislikes me sister never trusted me... mother was dead and I was not apart of their family.. mother was married to father but mother loved another man... she was only married to gather because she was from a wealthy family and so was he. Brother and sister are bother mother and father's kids while I am only mothers child. Brother was the only person to love me after mother died. He cared for me after I get beat and he watched over me while I was sick but now I've caused him to get hurt..
As I took care of him while sister and father were gone, I made him everything I could from soup to pasteries. That Is why I love cooking. Because I saw how happy I made him. But one day he changed.. he was completely different. He yelled at me and cursed me.. father and sister stood there smirking.. angry tears running down brothers face but a baste grin plastered on his lips. I ran away until I found myself with Yashiko. I started having nightmares of brother comeing to me.. nightmares turned to daydreams and then to vision. Yashiko found medicine for me to block him out but my voice would disapear. And I accepted that...

( end flashback )

I finished explaining everything to him he slowly brought me into a hug.. ' you could have told me.' I could almost see the words in his eyes... his hands moved.

" everything will be ok. "

~ everything will not be ok ~

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