dear daughter

86 12 6

Dear daughter,

if you inherit my heart

please, don't be ashamed

of how desperate times can make you

of how you'll stain your pillow cases and shirts.

For a single blow will shatter it,

but you'll carry kindness wherever you go.

Dear daughter,

if you inherit my mind

please, don't be afraid

of how it drives you insane at times

of how it will set you into flames.

For a single word can break you,

but because of it you're a piece of art.

Dear daughter,

please don't be remorseful nor frightened,

for whenever you burst,

I'll be there to pick up the pieces.


p.n./ heyy again, hope you guys like this one too because up till now the two of them honestly mean so much to me,, no one is prolly seeing this but meh it's worth a shot?

follow your drill, comment share and all that jazz!

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