i knew

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I knew you'd break my heart

the moment I fell in love

with the color of your caramel eyes,

they reminded me

of the last burning embers of fire

on a cold november night

but you turned away to gaze into hers.

I knew you would break my heart

the moment you left me

standing in the pouring rain

after kissing me for the first time.

It might've been the rain

or maybe my tears,

either way I was determined to chase you.

I knew you'd break my heart

when I figured that I could

write love poems about the way

your lips parted in your sleep

but you could not

string a few words to express how you feel.

I knew you'd break my heart

when I realized you let go

of my hand when we left

the shadows of our secrecy,

when I finally learnt that our intimacy

only existed in darkness.

I knew you'd break my heart

because I am now soaking in my tears

reverring every little thing

wondering what I did wrong,

until I figured; it's your fault.

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