Chapter Twelve - Kidnapped Again?

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It was Saturday morning. We'd usually be asleep, but nope! We're outside doing target practice. We're teaching Kaylina and Grace how to shoot perfectly in case anything happens. When the antidote was put into Kaylina's body, it had tooken away all her abilities she had as a BLI Agent. So we have a lot to teach.

"And... Fire!" I yell.

Grace and Kaylina shoot at the 2 dummies we have on posts. Kaylina misses by a long shot, but Grace hits the forehead right on.

"Good job, Grace! Go ahead and take a break." Says Ray.

"Why not me?" Kaylina puts down her ray gun and looks at us.

"You didn't even HIT the darn thing!" Party laughs a little.

"Ugh. Fine."

She gets set up. Once again Frank helps her with her stance and where she should look to aim. He steps back - pretty far I might add - and watches her. She takes a deep breath, and shoots. Bullseye!

"YES! I got it!" She starts to run inside the diner when Mikey grabs her by the waist and pulls her back. She pouts as he stands her back where she was at.

"Get 3 more shots, and I'll let you go Kay." I say.

"3 more. Should be easy."

She's in her stance again. She holds her gun up, aims, and fires 3 shots. Right on the target.

"NOW CAN I LEAVE?" She looks at us again and points to the dummy.

"Yes." We say in unison.

She takes off inside the diner and grabs a glass of water. It's really hot today, and we're all wearing our gear. So it's extra hot. We all look at each other, and walk inside. I fix the necklace that Kobra gave me and he smiles.

"What's thaaat?" Frank points to my necklace.

"A necklace. Duh." I giggle a little.

"Naw. Who gave it to you?"

I smile at Mikey. He winks back at me, and everyone starts saying 'Aww'.

"So what's the plan today?" Ray asks.

"We have to go on Drac Patrol. 2 of us." Party leans on the bar.

"Drac Patrol?" Kaylina and I say together.

"We drive around in search for Dracs, and kill any we find." Says Mikey.


"So, who wants to come with?" Party looks around.

Everyone turns to me.

"What? Uh no." I hold my hands up.

"Come on! You're the newbi. You have GOT to do this at least once, Adren." Grace says.

"Ugh. Fine." I give in and take Frank's can of food.


Party and I are walking outside, ray guns in our hands and masks on. We reach a branch in the road. He nods at me and we go our separate ways.

I'm a little nervous. I'm never on my own searching for Dracs. But here I am. The ground starts to get more and more greenery on it, so I know I'm reaching the city limit.

A few more miles down, and no city limit sign. I look behind me, and all I see is the road. The sun is fixing to go down. I turn around and start my back to the Diner.

I hear a little rustle. I expect it's the wind, but, there IS no wind. I look around nervously, and pick up my pace. I start to see the Diner in the distance, and I hear another rustle. Now I'm running. I go to beginning of the branch in the road and something pulls my legs and I fall.

I'm struggling to get up. But the thing is pulling at me now, dragging me. I reach for my gun to shoot it, but I realize I dropped it when I tripped. I'm so screwed.

"Help! Party! Help me!" I yell.

I'm being lifted over someone's shoulder. I'm screaming 'Help!' but no one hears.

"Mikey!" Is the last thing I scream. I see people pouring outside the diner. But they're too late. The person throws me in the trunk of a car, and drives off.

I cry to myself. I'll never be able to see them again.

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