Interview with iluvdaisychain: The Writer of A Pirates Kiss

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Hello Readers! Our first interview this year is with iluvdaisychain, a New Zealander and the author of A Pirates Kiss! She has a great passion for reading, writing, and listening to very inspirational music. Enjoy! 

Name & Age? 

Daisy, 19

When did you start writing? 

Very young :) But I didn't share my work until I joined Wattpad.

How did you find Wattpad?

Because I was looking for a story that I wanted to read online and I got linked to Wattpad by random.

Who is your favorite author?


What is your favorite book? 

The Fire Within Series

What is the first book you have ever read?

Gosh, that's a bit far back haha Hairy McCleary?

Where do you get ideas for your stories? 

Through inspiration from other stories and daydreams and songs.

 If you ever experienced writer’s block, how do you get over it?

Ohhh yes haha that's what stopped me from writing for five months. You have to find something to inspire you, to make you want to keep writing. It's different for everyone.

Do you prefer reading or writing?

Both actually.

Do you have any weird writing rituals like some authors do?

No haha, I usually have music playing really loudly, that's about it.

Do you eat anything when you’re typing?

If I'm hungry, yes :P

What’s your favorite Wattpad story?

At the moment, it would have to be that Werewolf novel, 'My Dark Knight'.

Who’s your favorite Wattpad writer and why?

lillyrain, she is a brilliant author. Her stories are impeccable.

Out of all your stories (if applicapble) which one did you enjoy the most?

Definitely APK and the series.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

No they aren't actually.

Who’s your favorite character out of your stories?

Obsidian Bones, although I have another favorite character, he just hasn't come into one of my stories yet, he's been a long time in the making haha.

Any hints on your upcoming work?

No sorry :)

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why?

Maybe, and if I do it would be the APK series, they are the most unusual and most likely to get published if I pursued it.

What’s your inspiration?

Music is my inspiration, I don't feel that I really aspire to be like anyone. I like a lot of authors, but I am my own person.

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

Write about something that you are passionate about. If you're not, it will show in your work. Take pride in your work and do a good job, if you expect others to read it, write how you would like to read.

Finally, what is your message to all the fans and readers who have supported you and your stories?

Thank you so much to all of my fans and supporters. Without you I wouldn't have succeeded on Wattpad. I truly owe you everything and I love you guys so much xx

Wattpad Corner 2013 InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now